-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy: Rock an Roll Aint Noise Pollution Rock an Roll Makes Energy

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Rock an Roll Aint Noise Pollution Rock an Roll Makes Energy

Finally clean energy from rock and roll.  I knew John Lennon and those long past rockers in heaven were up to something.  How else would the great minds of ever dream up that Zinc Oxide + Poly Solar Cell + Rock Music + Light = Electricity.  This is surely inspired from the energy that rock and roll has supplied to this planet.  Mankind has instinctively known this deep in our subconscious that: .
The beat and rhythm of Rock Music creates Electricity!
The beat and rhythm of Rock Music creates Electricity!  
I've said it for years, new it deep in my heart,
Rock an Roll ain't never gonna die!  ACDC sure got that 1 right Scotty
Especially now that the great minds of Safa Shoaee, Joe Briscoe, James R. Durrant, and Steve Dunn figured out that by attaching a nano layer of zinc oxide onto a poly solar cell and exposed to Rock Music + Light = more electricity!  Thats Right: The beat and rhythm of Rock Music creates Electricity!   And It only takes 75 decibels to produce 40% more power.   A few quick thoughts come to mind:
  • Now when the STLPD are called for peace disturbances I'll have a legitimate excuse for jamming the stereo: Officer I was just making Clean Energy!  
  • The Faster the Beat the greater the energy output-Thats all the excuse needed to have more Rock Concerts!  All over the City of StLouis
  • I'll never outgrow Rock and Roll now!  For those about to Rock...You've been Thunderstruck!
  • The Republicans and Tea Party will try to outlaw Rock and Roll with the Language in Affordable Care Act stating it will cause ear damage and increase hospital work loads.
Back in reality I find that the possibilities for this great invention are endless!

Here's a snippet of the Article as written:
When the scientists exposed the cell to noise along with light, it generated more current than with the light alone. The sounds that gave the biggest power boost came from pop and rock music.
The increase in power was not just because zinc oxide and polymer have a certain taste in tunes. Zinc oxide is a piezoelectric material. That means it generates current when bent or twisted, or, in reverse, bends and twists when a current is applied. Piezoelectric materials are common; they show up in buzzers and small speakers a lot (the piezoelectric stuff is what makes the sound).
When the scientists played rock or pop, there were more high-frequency sounds and beats, which have more energy than lower frequency ones. Beats, as on a drum, packed a lot of energy into a short period of time.
When the sound waves hit the zinc oxide, it bent it and generated electricity. It took surprisingly little sound, about 75 decibels, to produce 40 percent more power. The sound was about the amount one would hear near a busy highway or a sort-of-noisy restaurant....

Zinc Oxide + Poly Solar Cell + Rock Music + Light
= Electricity AC DC sure got that one right -Scotty Scotts Contracting

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