-- Scotts Contracting - StLouis Renewable Energy

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Take Action to save PACE!

Bipartisan legislation to restore PACE programs will be introduced in the U.S. Congress House of Representatives on Wednesday, July 20, 2011.

The Bill is sponsored by Congresswoman Nan Hayworth (R-NY), and Congressmen Dan Lungren (R-CA) and Mike Thompson (D-CA), and a draft can be downloaded  here.

PACENow's July 14th Webinar and Call to Action had hundred's of participants.

Replay PACENow Webinar here

Download PACENow Webinar Presentation here 

Act Today – Here's how you can help!

It is critically important that you urge your member of Congress in the House of Representatives to support this Bill.  A strategy for introducing a Bill in the Senate is in the works…. right now, support in the House is the key.  Take a moment and call, e-mail, or send a letter to your member of Congress.

Call – E-Mail – Write your House Representative

Use your zip code to send an automated letter here to your representative in the House (see the text here).

Use this  "Save PACE Letter to Congress" here that you can put on your, or your organization's letterhead. Please remember to send a copy to us at PACENow@gmail.com.

Ask your local government or other organization to pass the attached Resolution Supporting PACE Legislation.  Please send a copy of your adopted Resolution to PACENow@gmail.com.

Find your member of the House  here by entering your zip code in the upper right corner.

Call 202-224-3121 – US Capitol Switchboard – to be transferred to your representative's office.

The materials linked here will help.

HR Bill ____ We'll upload the introduced version with the Bill number as soon as it's available, but don't wait, just refer to the PACE Protection Act of 2011 introduced by Hayworth, Lungren and Thompson.

Video replay of PACENow\'s July 14th Webinar – Call to Action – just give it a minute to load

Talking Points for the Bill one page of useful bullet points

PACE 2 Page Summary a more comprehensive 2 page summary

Making the Case for PACE Legislation longer and more thorough

PACE Econometric Study by ECONorthwest for PACENow

Please Act Today – Your Immediate Support CAN Make the Difference


Federal District Court for the Northern District of California will soon decide whether to order the FHFA to commence a rulemaking process, which the agency failed to do before releasing its July 6, 2010 rules.  Steps include:

  1. Proposed Rules will be published in the Federal Register.
  2. Public Comment is invited for a period of from 30 to 180 days.
  3. Final Rule. the agency publishes its response to issues raised by public comments and an updated analysis and justification for the rule, including an analysis of any new information from public comments.

If the Court acts on its December 20, 2010 order and concludes the FHFA should conduct a rulemaking process, you can help save PACE by submitting comments to the FHFA that address points it made when it established its July 6, 2010 rules.  If you would like to comment on the validity of PACE assessments, the de minimus financial risk associated with PACE financings, the PACE program guidelines that ensure safety for all participants, or any other topic, please contact us directly, register on this site, take a look at these PACE FAQs, and please check back often for updated information.  As soon as the Court rules and a process is established, we will provide detailed information here on how you can help.



US Chamber's history--and the stuff we found is not pretty

Dear friends, 

What is the US Chamber of Commerce hiding?

Our team recently decided to dig into the US Chamber's history--and the stuff we found is not pretty. You've got to see it to believe it:

Visit www.USChamberOfSecrets.org

With the final installment of the Harry Potter movie series premiering this weekend, we thought we'd seize the moment and poke a bit of pop-culture fun at the US Chamber. After all, the campaign to stop the US Chamber has all the elements of an epic story: dark forces are conspiring to control the world, a battle of good versus evil is brewing, and a set of unlikely heroes is emerging to save the day. 

The heroes of this story are all of you: citizens and business owners across the nation who are outraged by the way corporate interests are hijacking our political system. And the tide is starting to turn in our favor. 

In the past few months, the campaign to stop the US Chamber has picked up some serious steam: thousands of new businesses are on board, local Chambers of Commerce large and small are starting to sign on, and people are hitting the streets to strip the US Chamber of it's legitimacy. 

Perhaps most importantly, people are truly waking up to the fact that the US Chamber is a corporate front group--and not just any front group, but the largest lobbyist in the country by far.  What's worse, the US Chamber seems hellbent on undermining our democracy and wrecking our climate.

The majority of the US Chamber's funding comes from just 16 anonymous corporations. They refuse to reveal which corporations, but when you look at the US Chamber's actions it's easy to figure out which big polluters are pulling the strings. The corruption in the US Chamber is impossible to deny: of the $32 million it spent on the 2010 elections, 94% of it went to support climate deniers. 

And it's not just climate action that the US Chamber opposes--over the last century they have a vile history of opposing progress in our country on issues ranging from clean air to health care and women's and civil rights. Now, their secrets can be exposed: www.USChamberOfSecrets.org

But we haven't won yet, and the mission we face right now is to spread the truth about the US Chamber, and expose their secrets to the world. So take a couple of minutes to open the US Chamber of Secrets, and please do spread the word to your friends on Facebook and Twitter with just a couple of clicks. Forward this message, share the link (www.USChamberOfSecrets.org) and help us build this movement to reclaim our democracy and remove one of the biggest barriers to climate progress in our country.

Together, we'll overpower the dark force of the US Chamber, and we'll be sure to have some fun while we do it. 


Phil Aroneanu


350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions are led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer organizers in over 188 countries. You can join 350.org on Facebook by becoming a fan of our page at facebook.com/350org and follow us on twitter by visiting twitter.com/350. To join our list (maybe a friend forwarded you this e-mail) visit www.350.org/signup. To support our work, donate securely online at350.org/donate.


Solar economics- A whole new ball game

One of the things that drives alternative energy advocates up the wall about trying to explain the benefits of these energy sources is that some people simply don’t understand the economics of alternative energy. Nowhere is this more obvious than with solar power. The average solar panel is actually an economic asset as much as a planet-saving technology, but naturally the media and its five second attention span never mention this very basic fact.

Getting the solar message across
As the dino-fuels become more expensive and interfere with the bottom lines of more businesses and family budgets, the economic message will eventually sink in. The alternative energy industries, however, could be doing a lot more to get their message across in hard dollar terms. It’s important to recognize that the levels of unfamiliarity about alternative energy sources aren’t so much selective ignorance as a case of simply not getting the facts communicated effectively.

It’s critically important to make sure that the message that alternative energies are costs savers and game-changers for the bottom line gets through to the public, economists and governments. Arguing about environmental principles is too easy. Arguing with figures is a lot more difficult. Solar power can do a respectable job of proving its values at spreadsheet level, so it’d be nice to see some publicists getting to work on the subject, preferably ASAP.

The solar economic overview
In economic terms, solar power as an energy source is almost unprecedented. Being a passive energy source puts it in the same class as old water wheels and windmills, a type of energy technology which doesn’t have an equivalent in modern economics. There simply isn’t an economic model to assess the effect of universal solar power usage. That’s one of the main reasons economics as a science is dragging the chain on assessing the global values of solar power.

Solar power comes with some massive economic benefits
A comparatively short, competition-based supply chain: The logistics of solar are pretty much entirely contained in the assembly process. At end user point, the most that’s likely to ever be required is some maintenance. This short supply chain means that real costs to the economy are very low overall, particularly if assessed over time and in relation to competition for consumer dollars.

Flexibility and adaptability: Spreading cities have exposed the Achilles heel of the grids. Real cost factors are building up to the point at which only developers can afford to expand traditional grids. Solar simply doesn’t have that problem. 

Solar power generation has real community dollar values: Individually, a solar power generation system produces X amount of power at a measurable cost. Collectively, particularly if fed into a grid system, solar power values increase exponentially, across the entire grid. Solar power needs to be seen as a community asset as much as a household asset.

Commercially, solar power is a true cost saver: The overheads of running an office or a factory can be colossal in terms of power costs. Anything which impacts those costs positively, particularly on a large scale, directly affects the entire economy. The solar panels springing up in New York’s notoriously thrifty schools aren’t there solely for fashion reasons, either, and this is another commercial/social community solar asset that needs recognition.

When you’re installing solar panels for your home, consider for a moment your own economic issues- If it makes economic sense to install solar in your home, how about the world? Interesting thought, isn’t it?


John Boehner right-wing war on middle class families

John Boehner is forcing the country into bankruptcy as part of his right-wing war on middle class families

Scotty -

John Boehner is forcing the country into bankruptcy as part of his right-wing war on middle class families.

Here are the facts -- Republicans don't have the votes to increase the debt limit without Democrats, but Boehner has rejected every Democratic proposal to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich, end subsidies for big oil, or close tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas. Instead, Boehner wants to gut Social Security and Medicare.

Cutting Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid is insane. It will be a punch in the gut to middle class families and will send the country deeper into recession.

Thankfully, Nancy Pelosi and progressives in Congress are standing up against John Boehner and his right-wing Tea Party colleagues. We need to let them know that we have their backs.

Call your Congressperson right now at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to take Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid off the table.

This is crunch time. Congress has less than two weeks to find a compromise and raise the debt limit. We need to make clear everyone understands that we can't cut the deficit on the backs of middle class families.

Thank you for all that you do.

- Michael

Michael Langenmayr, Deputy Political Director
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.
Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com/?akid=1069.1758181.xQlzs-&t=3 and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

This message was sent to Scottscontracting@gmail.com


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