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Join the movement and Stand Up for Democracy in the USA

Scotty -

Last night, Van Jones kicked off our Don't Kill the Dream campaign with over 15,000 DFA members listening in across the country.

Democracy for America is joining the American Dream movement and taking the fight to Republicans across the country -- at town halls, at their district offices, everywhere -- and it starts right now with you signing onto the Contract for the American Dream.

Join the movement -- Sign the Contract for the American Dream right now.

What is the Contract for the American Dream? It's the promise that we make to one another that all Americans -- rich, poor, or in-between, regardless of skin color or birthplace, no matter their sexual orientation or gender -- have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The contract was created by over 120,000 grassroots progressives working together at house parties nationwide last month and it includes ten featured goals to rebuild America: 

  • Invest in America's Infrastructure
  • Create 21st Century Energy Jobs
  • Invest in Public Education
  • Offer Medicare for All
  • Make Work Pay
  • Secure Social Security
  • Return to Fairer Tax Rates
  • End the Wars and Invest at Home
  • Tax Wall Street Speculation
  • Strengthen Democracy

Read more about the Contract and sign on now.

Together, we can stop Republicans from killing the American Dream and build a future based on liberty and justice for all.

Thank you for everything you do.


Levana Layendecker, Communications Director
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.
Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com/?akid=1218.1758181.3kvJE-&t=3 and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.


5 ways to up your activism to end Big Oil giveaways

  • Much has changed in the Gulf, but one thing remains the same -- each year, oil and gas companies still receive more than $10 billion in federal tax breaks and incentives.

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 2:38 PM, Becca Connors, Friends of the Earth <foe@foe.org> wrote:

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Earth Budget

Dear Scotts,

End Big Oil giveaways now.
Click here to download the action toolkit: 5 ways you can help put an end to oil and gas subsidies.

One year after the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, dead dolphins and sick fish are still washing up in high numbers. Much has changed in the Gulf, but one thing remains the same -- each year, oil and gas companies still receive more than $10 billion in federal tax breaks and incentives.

With the budget crunch on the minds of just about every member of Congress, the time is ripe to finally make progress toward ending these obscene handouts. We've put together a simple action toolkit to help you make an impact.

Click here to download the action toolkit: 5 ways you can help put an end to oil and gas subsidies.

Congress is in recess now -- which means your representatives and senators should be home meeting with you -- their constituents.

Attending town hall meetings and other public events with members of Congress is one of the best ways to make your voice heard, and the action kit includes tips for getting out in the field and organizing with your friends.

Check out our toolkit for sample talking points and tips on how to:

  • Speak up at town hall meetings. These public events allow you to ask tough questions in front of a wider audience and the media.
  • Organize an in-district meeting. A private meeting gives you the chance to present your views in a direct, face-to-face conversation with your congressperson.
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. This can be a powerful tool to have your voice heard by your community and by elected officials who often read local papers to gauge public opinion on key issues.

Click here to download the action toolkit: 5 ways you can help put an end to oil and gas subsidies.

Compared to signing a petition, it takes some extra time and effort to organize a group of friends to attend a town hall meeting. And a little extra courage to raise your voice and ask a question.

But there are few better ways to get our concerns heard by the people who represent us -- and, ultimately, to move protecting the environment up the priority list in Congress.

Together, we can hold our elected officials accountable -- and have some fun in the process.

Let's get out there and make a difference!

Becca and the rest of the Earth Budget team

Friends of the Earth
1100 15th Street, NW
11th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 783-7400

Friends of the Earth
311 California Street
Suite 510
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 544-0790

Friends of the Earth is fighting to defend the environment and create a more healthy and just world.  

Our current campaigns focus on promoting clean energy and solutions to climate change,
keeping toxic and risky technologies out of the food we eat and products we use,
and protecting marine ecosystems and the people who live and work near them.

To support this work, you can become a Friend of the Earth.

empowered by Salsa


Re: @Stake: Hide!

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Robby Mook <dccc@dccc.org> wrote:
DCCC @Stake

Scotts --

I guess they can't stand the heat.

With their poll numbers plummeting, some House Republicans have resorted to hiding from their constituents and holding "pay-per-view" town halls. That's why your support of our Accountability August  Campaign is so critical. You're helping House Democrats keep the spotlight on Tea Party Republicans and stand up to their radical vision for America.

On behalf of the DCCC, and all the members of our Democratic Caucus, I can't thank you enough for what you do. As a small token of my appreciation, I hope you enjoy this edition of @Stake.
Republican Pay-Per-View?

Better bring your wallet if you want to ask your Republican Congressman a question in person. Some Republicans, including House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, are charging constituents $15 or more to meet them in person and ask a question. No open-to-the-public town hall meetings for Congressman Ryan or several of his other colleagues including Ben Quayle (R-AZ). So much for open government.

Check out video of MSNBC's "Hardball" covering the Republicans' "pay-per-view" events and get the full story >>
Latest Polls: GOP House Majority at Risk

Republicans' radical Tea Party agenda is costing them with voters. Disapproval ratings for the Republican Party are at record highs and in a new Gallup Poll, Democrats hold a seven point advantage in the congressional ballot.

New York Times number cruncher Nate Silver believes this indicates a substantial shift in the partisan climate that could threaten the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. We need just 24 more seats to take back the Speaker's gavel. Because of you, our campaign is building momentum and we've got Republicans on the run.

Read more of Nate's analysis here >>
FEC Deadline

The first Federal Election Commission (FEC) fundraising deadline since the Tea Party Downgrade is fast approaching. The entire political world will view our fundraising totals on the August 31st FEC deadline as the first real test of Democratic strength and determination since the great debate over the debt ceiling. Your support today will show the world that Democrats are standing up to Tea Party Republicans and their radical agenda.

Please click here to make a contribution today and help make this the most successful fundraising campaign yet.
Thanks again for your tremendous support in helping to elect House Democrats.

Onward to victory,

Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director
Best of DCCC
Top Links:

Final End of Summer Close Out Sale

Just 2 days left in our Summer sale. Pick up fantastic merchandise at bargain basement prices. Show your support for Democrats with your purchase of T-shirts, mugs, tote bags and so much more. Best of all your purchase will help House Democrats take back our majority in 2012.

All items are union made in the good old USA! But you have to act fast. The sale ends Sunday!

Use coupon code TAKE15OFF to receive 15% off on everything in stock OR use coupon code SHIP4FREE to receive free shipping on orders over $50.

Take advantage of great deals before they expire in two days >>

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Contribute Now

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax deductible.

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


Go green with your building project

– How to build your green building business 

In the building industry, green business is the only good news that is left for the consumers. Are you a promoter who is looking for constructing buildings and still struggling within the sluggish market conditions? Though traditional buildings may no more seem to be a hot cake anymore, you must try your luck in going green. Sustainable business firms can boost your profits as it has been said that getting into green building can certainly boost your income during tough economic times. Here are some green home building tips that you must consider if you're interested in going green with your building.

1. Do enough research: Every salesman wants to know about the most important skill that he may need in order to make extra profits. You have to make a market research so that you get to know what the actual things are that are needed in order to boost their profits. See what your competitors are doing so that you may get an idea regarding your faults and try to make your weaknesses your strengths.

2. Know what is selling in the market: The recession has got a very diverse impact on every part of the economy and you must make sure that you clearly know what are the products that are selling in the market so that you may comprehend the inabilities of the market and the according steps that you're supposed to take in order to make the most out of the market situations.

3. Specialize in the subject: When you're looking for ways to start off with green home building, you must always make sure that you specialize in this particular field so that you do not fall short of ideas that can make your building a sustainable one. You must get to know all the details that can help you with the business project and make you earn better returns.

4. Get yourself certified: After you have all the plans in your head, you need to get yourself certified and getting the Green Advantage certificate is a necessity. Remember that doing green things doesn't make your house green and thus you have to be a witty and a better builder in order to be a true green builder.

Therefore, if you're planning a sustainable home building project, make sure you follow the tips mentioned above. Every bank and financial is adopting green methods so as to save money and energy. Green building is an important way of handling your talent and using it to its best.

 Article by: Mr Peter Harper
Peter Harper
Marketing Head & Editor
Chicago, Illinois – 60607, USA
Phone :  9167458161
Skype name : peterharper99
mail : peterharper99@gmail.com
Guest Post provided by Scotts Contracting

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