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Natural Fiber Insulation Poll

Natural Hemp Insulation Hemp Wool Insulation http://www.hemp-technologies.com/page15/styled-29/page116.html
Natural Insulation Poll: Would you use it if it costs the same and has same R Value


Natural Fiber Insulation: Same R Value and $ Monetary Cost.

Poll Question: Would You use it? 

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MOhemp Energy HEMP FOR VICTORY 2016

MOhemp Energy: Adviser Spoke-I was all ears


Big clue today July 31, 2016: Ukraine- lots of Hemp seeds, needs income. Russia, cut aid to Ukraine. I'm putting 2+2 together.

I predict: Hemp For Victory Round 2, Spring Planting 2016.

Bringing back Industrial Hemp will jump-start American jobs and Small business and Make it disruptive to the existing biz as usual for American Big Companies- who also are the Republicans Repukitans base for the $ money $ polluting the Politics of the USA.

Taking power away from big businesses who are and did sell out the American workers by outsourcing jobs overseas. President Obama realizes this and also realizes that by legalizing both Medical and Industrial Cannabis he is ultimately giving the people a fighting chance against the powers who have keep the average Americans struggling and under the thumb of Big Business Interest and overshadowed their voices in Washington and Life in the real World

Will Hemp For Victory Round 2 be the cure all for America's Ills? Maybe not all but it will damn sure help a few. And I personally can't wait to work directly with the Farmers who will lead the resurgence of American Productivity and jobs that all start on the Farm! The added benefits will be the lessening of the grip that big business has on Washington

Remember all these new Industrial Hemp and Medical Cannabis ventures are small new disruptive businesses that will take the power or $ money $ out of the big business coffers. 

Hemp For Victory Round 2 coming spring 2016- in time for planting season. Are you prepared to meet this new demand?

I am Scotty MOhemp Energy.


MOhemp Energy: The Key To Green Buildings

So why aren't more people adopting green building techniques into their home or business.  The biggest obstacle for adopting this technique into every building is the short term costs to implement these techniques.   

For those who have been reading about MOhemp Energy's plan to address this biggest obstacle: The technique and system of using the Hemp Seeds and Fibers to pay for every part of the process of growing and harvesting Hemp- from farming to the end result.  

This Will: enable MOhemp Energy to offer
the Hemp Hurds to clients and customers 
at the lowest possible costs.  Enabling the 
Hemp Hurds used to make #Hempcrete 
with little to no expense.  Thus allowing 
cheap and inexpensive alternative to 
building or renovating most any structure 
into a sustainable building.

If you build or renovate as a DIY project yourself, the lower costing sustainable Hemp Hurds materials will be a minimal investment.

MOhemp Energy: The Key To Green Buildings


Alley Upcycling saved the dog

I found this perfectly good dog crate in an alley, all that was missing was a door!
I also happened to have an old oven rack that was the perfect size for the opening of the crate. It was a match made in Dog Heaven (or Dog Hell if your are opposed to cages like I am.)

recycling is kool see the upcycled dog crate with oven rack door
upcycled dog crate with oven rack door
Why a cage you ask?

My girl brought the little dog home to save it from a bad life.  And we fell for her.  She's gentle around the infant which was the key for a welcome into the family and the good life of food, play, and sleep as rewards for good behavior- Oh the Dogs Life!  The added bonus of sassy-playful disposition was perfect match to dog No.1.  

But she wouldn't stop using kitchen floor for toilet.

This drives me nuts.  My dogs have manners.  Almost at point of considering drastic measures of parting with the kool dog and kicking her out of the Family and good life!

I contacted MySmartPuppy who had the solution to our problem!  My hero!  She suggested: "Crate her overnight. (I have a crate you can use, if you need one.)"

Back to the up-cycling.  This was temporary fix eventually crate will be designated to the yard again.  So its pretty crude and simple fix, McGiver style with Bailing Wire!

Instructions: Drill holes, use bailing wire as hinges and latch to hold oven rack door on crate.

Props again to My Smart Puppy the StLouis dog guru, Sarah makes working and training dogs easy:

Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson, Dog Expert, Pro Trainer | Author of 9 books | Seen on PBS | Consultant | Board Member | Love helping people & dogs!
St. Louis, Missouri - USA #stl ·http://www.sarahwilsondogexpert.com

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