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Better Together: Fragmentation Holding St. Louis Region Back

Some interesting points mentioned in this article about St Louis.  One of the main things I took away was that when we are all working towards a goal makes goals easier accomplished.
ST. LOUIS (KMOX)-The group that’s been looking at the fragmentation of the St. Louis region, has issued a new report that concludes that the region’s political structure is holding it back.
 Better Together: Fragmentation Holding St. Louis Region Back: Group summarizes two years of research.


Decks Notes, Examples, Ideas, Drawings

 A client has asked me for
Notes, Examples, Ideas, Drawings
for Decks.

Simple Deck Bench.jpg

Angle Back Deck Bench.jpg
Angle Back Deck Bench Code Compliant

This Bench I made for the Picnic Table from leftover scrap wood I didn’t want to throw away.

the Angled Back Bench Seat it makes the seat like an actual comfortable lawn chair.
I like the Angled Back Bench Seat it makes the seat like an actual comfortable lawn chair.

Deck Benches are kool.  They are not building code compliant.  “If you ever got in trouble in the future they would ask you to make them code compliant.”  Like they did on the following jobs site deck project photos. I did for a guy for totally different reasons.  (the building inspector and the realtor didn’t get along.  The building inspector was right the deck wasn’t right but there was nothing wrong with the deck. I painted it, added metal bracing, fixed the stairs, and added lattice.)  
Feb 21, 2013 - Uploaded by Scotts Contracting
St Louis City Building Code Officials said: "Bring the Deck to Current Building Codes or Tear It Down". We ...

  • Saving a Deck From the Landfill. 62 photos. · Shared publicly · ... Just added Action Photos to the Green Build Deck Project. Read more...https://plus.google.com/photos/+scottscontracting/albums/5715256359919427265

The reason Deck Benches are not code compliant is because a child could climb on the bench, and then climb up the back of the bench and fall over the side of the Deck.

This is the one of the best stains I’ve ever used.  I used it on this deck below.  What a kool deck this guy had, it was huge.  The stain was called TPW Stain.  He ordered it online and it came in the mail.  

The lumber in the brown bench pictures above came from a project right off  macklind. Here is all the photos: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipPSm8EtTrpKpl4RddiUJuzQK7Ja54xU-zLKliOr  I want to point out that this lady chose metal to jazz up deck.  It was expensive, she liked the Natural Look and is why she didn’t have me protect the wood-with paint or stain- of the porch and pergola I built.

You might remember seeing this sticking along side of the road Macklind

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


AmerenUE Misguided Solar Programs

Read between the lines about the new Solar programs from our Dirty Coal Electric Company‬ Ameren UE.

Remember a few years back when they said solar was not a good deal for the customers? They also coerced Missouri Legislation to ignore the vote by the people and the amount of clean energy percentage lowered?

Now the Dirty Coal Electric Company wants to install Solar on your building and charge you for the electricity generated by the solar panels.

Scotts Contracting
Ameren Missouri is considering two voluntary programs that would ask customers to pay more or provide property to support more solar power.

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Low Cost Home Water Problem Solution

What a stroke of luck, neighboring Homeowners worked together and solved the water issue that caused both basements to leak.

In the following Diagram is the layout of the water problem area in the Gangway between House A and House B.
Diagram is the layout of the water problem area in the Gangway between House A and House B

Here is the low cost eco friendly water problem solution diagram that solves the water collecting in the Gangway between the two Buildings.
low cost eco friendly water problem solution diagram that solves the water collecting in the Gangway between the two Buildings

French Drain Exit Point- water naturally travels down the drain to the exit point where it flows deeper into the yard and away from the Home’s Foundation eliminating the water from entering into the basement.

Gangway Water Issue and Solution
Submitted May 3, 2016- Offer Expires May 31, 2016 (based on prices of needed materials)
Scotts Contracting St Louis MO


House A initiated inquiry into eliminating water entering basement.  House A has Stone Foundation.  Inquiry with House B also has water infiltration issues in basement with stone foundation and is not opposed to hooking up drain collection point for both homes.


  1. Eliminate the Water Infiltration into Basement for both Homes
  2. Eco Friendly Options Requested
  3. Repurpose and Upcycle Building Materials where possible
  4. Match Existing Building Aesthetics
  5. Affordable

Existing Problem

Sidewalk directs water towards foundation of House A and B instead of directing water away from home and foundation.  Heavy Rain showers cause water to enter into basements further deteriorating the existing mortar in the Stone Foundations.

Solutions and Options

  • Expensive: Remove and Replace Existing Concrete Sidewalk with new concrete and install drainage system
  • Less Expensive: Recover existing Concrete Sidewalk and install drainage system
  • Least Expensive: Reposition and Recover Existing Concrete Sidewalk and install drainage system.

Safety Issues

  1. Water Leads to Mold- If both homes have had water infiltration into the basement Mold growing on Stone Foundations is not uncommon,,.
  2. Before Digging Call Underground Burial Locator Service [ Dig Rite ]
  3. Scotty chose not to utilize House B Roof Drainage Collection Point- If the lateral drainage line in House B ever was blocked- all the water collected on House B Roof in addition to water collected in French Drain Tile System would allow the water to collect and pool between the houses and water would not be diverted away from basements.


  1. Scotty will donate I leftover French Drain Tile from a previous project to use as the water collection and water diverter drain tile-$.
  2. Portions of the Existing Concrete Walk will need replaced.  These chunks of sidewalk after removal could be incorporated into the French Exit Drain Point in Garden Area.


  1. Expensive

  2. Less Expensive

  1. Least Expensive


Additional Information and Links from Document:

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