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Dear Scotts Contracting,
Big polluters and K St lobbyists spent a staggering $514 million over the last 18 months to defeat climate legislation.
These same forces are now taking aim on EPA's power to curb climate emissions under the Clean Air Act—and we urgently need your help to defend it.
According to a recent report in Newsweek, over the last year and a half, the oil and gas industry has spent a staggering $514 million on direct lobbying, disinformation campaigns, sleazy advertising, and other pressure tactics, all designed with one goal in mind – to paralyze climate action.
Having won the battle in the Senate to defeat comprehensive legislation, those same extravagantly funded forces have turned their sights on the EPA.
Don't let them get away with it. Tell the Senate to let the EPA do its job.
Last year, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it would begin reducing global warming pollution from automobiles and large power plants under the Clean Air Act.
While these steps do not diminish the need for a national climate law, EPA action will keep us on track to hit our critical short-term emissions targets—and buy us more time to keep fighting for national climate and energy legislation.
But now, under unrelenting lobbying pressure from the big polluters and their lobbyists, Senators from both sides of the aisle have proposed legislation that would strip EPA of its authority to regulate climate pollution.
Tell the Senate hands off the EPA – please take action now.
The climate crisis ultimately comes down to science, not politics. And while the politics of global warming are uncertain, the science is not: 2010 is on pace to become the hottest year ever recorded, following the hottest decade on record. Glacial and polar ice continues to melt at astonishing rates. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent.
We need your continued activism to defend EPA's efforts to protect Americans from the catastrophic threat of runaway global warming.
Thank you for refusing to give up. In the end, that will make all the difference.
Thanks for all you do!
Sam Parry
Director, Online Membership and Activism![]()
Environmental Defense Action Fund
1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20009
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Scott's Contracting
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