On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Dave Boundy, Repower America <info@repoweramerica.org> wrote:
Dear Scotts,
If one law helped shrink the hole in the ozone layer, most people would think it was good.
If the same law helped save our forests from acid rain, removed toxic lead from our gasoline and lowered the number of our children developing asthma, most people would consider it great.
And if that same exact law saved our country nearly $22 trillion over 20 years, most people would call it a landmark piece of legislation and a model of American leadership.
That law exists -- it's called the Clean Air Act. But right now, lobbyists from the fossil fuel industry are trying to gut this crucial law and roll back decades of progress for our economy, our health and our environment. Tell big polluters that clean air belongs to us -- and it isn't for sale.
Join Alec Baldwin, Kris Kristofferson and Gloria Reuben by adding your picture or video to Repower America's Clean Air Act video today.
The Clean Air Act has received overwhelming bipartisan support over the years. In fact, one of the biggest updates to the law was signed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990.
Yet the fossil fuel industry is targeting one of the provisions that makes this law so successful -- the section that empowers the EPA to limit greenhouse gas pollution threatening our public health and welfare. They're trying to weaken the law that's given us cleaner cars, lower rates of cancer and a huge increase in air quality.
Add your voice to the new video and take a stand for clean air by midnight on Friday, September 10:
We'll select the best submissions to be in our final video.
The Clean Air Act is our last, best line of defense against the fossil fuel industry. Supporters like us need to take action today and save this vitally important law.
Thanks for getting involved at this critical moment,
Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
The Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America campaign
Contributions or gifts to the Climate Protection Action Fund are not tax deductible.
This email was sent to scottscontracting@gmail.com. Paid for by the Climate Protection Action Fund![]()
Scott's Contracting
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