Subject: Missouri Flunks! -- Save EPA and Coal Ash Rule -- Landfill Update
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 19:05:26 +0000
Some news and information from
Labadie Environmental Organization
August 25, 2011
When Will County Commission Decide Landfill Zoning Issue?
Tick. Tock. No "save the date" for this event. Check the Commission agenda every Friday afternoon here and attend the Tuesday 10 am Commission meetings at the Government Center in Union. The decision meeting will likely happen in the next several weeks and with very little notice. An action alert will be sent as soon as we know.
But there is still time to put the Commissioners on notice that landfills DO NOT belong in a floodplain or a floodway or a seismic impact zone… EVER. Strong rules at the local level that actually protect affected residents are more important than ever now that we know these 3 things:1. State coal ash regulations that truly protect the public are a myth2. No national coal ash standards currently exist, and3. Congress is actively trying to prevent future enactment of national coal ash standards.The landfill issue represents the intersection of local, state and federal policies and how they should work together to benefit the public but often end up failing to do that. Here's what we've learned.
Myth Busted!
Missouri flunks the test when it comes to managing coal ash. According to a recent state-by-state analysis, Missouri falls in the top 12 of the worst states for coal ash management. # 6 to be exact. That's an alarming statistic that must be emphasized to the Franklin County Commission as they wrestle with zoning changes that would allow coal ash landfills.
This report debunks the myth that state regulatory agencies are strong and actually protect the public from the dangers of toxic coal ash. Read the report here (Missouri details are on pg 15 of the report) and then take action. Here are 3 easy ways to share your concerns with the Commissioners.Ø Send an email to commission@franklinmo.netØ Send a letter to Franklin County Commission, 400 E. Locust, Union, Mo. 63084 orØ Call 636-583-6358Trusting state regulations on coal ash management will protect our drinking water creates a false sense of security. The truth is, State regulations are lacking and/or unenforced. But surely the EPA will come to the rescue. Won't they? Not if the House of Representatives get their way.
Coal Ash Rule and EPA Under Attack!
House Reps are on a roll – rolling back our environmental protections. Here is a partial hit list:ü suspending vehicle car mileage goalsü suspending rules on mountaintop removal miningü disallowing almost any activity related to greenhouse gas regulationü stopping stricter mercury emissions standardsü and preventing the EPA from regulating coal ash as a hazardous waste… EVER !The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act are under attack … that means you, your kids, your grandkids and your future grandkids are under attack. There are many fronts in this battle but here's how to fight back on coal ash:v Let your member of Congress know you want federal protection from toxic coal ash. Tell them to oppose H.R. 2273 aka "The McKinley Bill". This bill is a gift to polluters. Find out more here.v Coal Ash Talking Points. Get the lowdown here on how Congress is trying to use budget riders to the Appropriations Bill to kill coal ash protections … another gift to polluters.For details on a different House bill (HR 2018*) that has incredibly passed the House and would dismantle 40 years of environmental progress if the Senate passes it this Fall, read this article from Health News Digest. *The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 will amend the Clean Water Act of 1970 and give authority over clean water regulation back to the States.
Think about that… considering Missouri is at the very end of one of the largest watersheds in the country! WE ALL LIVE DOWNSTREAM and Missouri is downstream from many, many states. Tell your Senator to reject HR 2018 and save the Clean Water Act. Tell Senator McCaskill to protect the public and "unsign" the White House coal ash letter she endorsed that would prevent managing coal ash as the hazardous waste it is. Contact your Senator here.
Powerful Words and Images:
A concerned citizen recently wrote a thoughtful and moving open letter to Senator Claire McCaskill about the Ameren coal ash landfill issue. It was prominently displayed in the August 17th edition of the Missourian. See it here and read what one person had to say. Get inspired to add your voice wherever you can.
Labadie Environmental Organization, Inc.
PO Box 112
Labadie, Missouri 63055
*Scott's Contracting*
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