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St Louis-MCE Yays and Nays: Energy Edition


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MO Legislative Session Yays and Nays: Energy Edition
Please Call Key Legislators Today!!!
Please Forward!!!

First, thanks to all of you who have made phone calls to your elected officials about important legislative issues this year. We can't do our job without you!  

Second, most of the E-Alerts we send out during the legislative session are last minute because that's when we find out when particular bills of importance are moving that need your attention. We do our best to inform you as soon as we can.  

With that said, please check out our Yays and Nays for bills we know are going to get a committee hearing this week and one bill that we expect to be debated on the floor of the House of Representatives today.  

Senate Bill 299 will have a committee hearing today and our Safe Energy Director, Ed Smith, will be in Jefferson City to support its passage. Please call the listed committee members to voice your support for the passage of SB 299 out of the Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee.  

Senate Bill 299: This act establishes the Capital Green Program to provide funding for energy efficiency improvements including geothermal, wind, and solar energy resources to certain state buildings.  Please call these key legislators today. 

Tomorrow the Missouri House of Representatives will have a committee hearing on House Bill 398. MCE's Ed Smith will be on hand to testify against the bill and we need your support. HB 398 is companion legislation to Senate Bill 207, which MCE has already testified against and asked for you to call your state senator and oppose. We appreciate your previous support and we need it again! 

House Bill 398 represents a work-around of Missouri's ban on Construction Work In Progress (CWIP). One of MCE's founding members, Kay Drey, led a successful statewide campaign against pre-charging monopoly utility customers in advance for investments too risky for Wall Street bankers.  HB 398 undermines Missouri's ban on CWIP.  

House Bill 44 is heading to the House floor for debate. HB 44 would render Proposition C from 2008 meaningless. HB 44 would allow hydroelectric power from dams as old as 100 years to count towards Missouri's investor-owned utilities (Ameren, KC P&L, and Empire) compliance under Prop. C. The intent of Prop C was to create new renewable energy and new jobs in Missouri. HB 44 obstructs job growth while allowing Missouri's monopoly utilities to subvert the will of 66% of voters.  

Call your state representative by clicking here and entering your zip code. NO on HB 398 (NO NUKES) and NO on HB 44 (DON'T KILL RENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENTS).

Thank you and please let us know what responses you get from legislators, or if you have questions!     

MCE Annual Meeting

Please join us at our annual meeting this Sunday (March 3) to learn more about our legislative work and other important efforts to safeguard Missouri's environment. Click on the link for more information: http://mce2013.eventbrite.com/  

Missouri Coalition for the Environment
| 6267 Delmar Blvd., Ste. 2E | St. Louis | MO | 63130

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