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Washington Climate Change Debate- Watch Al Gore speak live

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Maggie L. Fox, Repower America <info@repoweramerica.org> wrote:

Dear Scotty,

Tomorrow, thousands of young leaders will gather here in Washington to help solve the climate crisis: the greatest challenge the world has ever faced. At the Power Shift 2011 Conference, they'll learn how to build the clean energy future that is essential to our planet's survival.

Al Gore will deliver the keynote address Friday night. He will discuss the overwhelming evidence of climate change and show attendees how we can bring clean, renewable energy to America and the world.

It will be a must-see event -- and you don't have to miss out. Former Vice President Gore's speech will be streamed live on the Power Shift website:


Tomorrow, April 15, at 7:05 p.m. ET, click that link to watch the speech streamed live.

Planning to watch the livestream event? Click here to let us know!

The Power Shift Conference is an opportunity to empower the next generation of America's leaders to change the way we think about energy. It's so important that we are bringing 20 of Repower America's best young activists from around the country to Washington so they'll have the chance to participate. Young leaders will be trained to go back to their communities and help take the next step in the movement to solve the climate crisis.

We believe Vice President Gore's speech will be the highlight of this important event, and we hope that you'll have the opportunity to watch.

Click here to let us know you're planning to watch.

Thank you for all your help,

Maggie L. Fox
President and CEO
Alliance for Climate Protection


Paid for by the Alliance for Climate Protection

Scott's Contracting

Green Me UP-Scotty


Re: We're going BIG, and we're taking your voice to D.C.

Dear friends,

When we started our campaign to take on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, we knew they had deep pockets. We knew they'd fight back. And we knew it wouldn't be easy.

But we also knew that no amount of money can stand up to an engaged, educated, and passionate group of people. That's why we're thrilled that this campaign is growing daily--in depth, breadth, and creativity.

Over 6000 business owners and tens of thousands of supporters have already declared their opposition to "business as usual" at the U.S. Chamber. We are thrilled with this early surge--but we still need many more people on board to really tip the balance of power.

To get big enough to make a big impact, we're going BIG. Really big. And we need your help.

On Monday, April 18th many of the 10,000 college students attending the Powershift conference in Washington D.C. will take to the streets outside of the headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to help us really underscore the connections between money, politics and climate legislation. Since the U.S. Chamber is right across the street from the White House we hope that this huge action will be a wake up call for legislators, business people (and Presidents too).

You can join this wake-up call from your own community with a simple action: send us a quote today.

Help show that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C. is out of touch with the clean energy future that our country truly needs. 

We're collecting quotes that complete the sentence "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Doesn't Speak For Me Because ___________________." 

Please take two minutes to submit a quick quote on this page. We'll select the best quotes, print them on big signs, and bring them with us to the rally outside of the U.S. Chamber headquarters in D.C.

Of course, we'd love it if you joined us there in person--but if you can't make it, we'll bring your voices directly to the U.S. Chamber for you.


Phil Aroneanu for the whole team at 350.org

P.S. If you know local business owners who aren't yet part of this campaign, please forward this letter on so we can build this groundswell. Many thanks!

Scott's Contracting

Green Me UP-Scotty


Roof System-Generates Clean Photovoltaic Energy

If you are considering a new roof, you should consider a white roof and a solar system on that roof at the same time. A cool roof reduces building cooling requirements by lowering the temperature of the roof and the building underneath. This means cooling equipment savings and in many cases the ability to run less air conditioning or purchase smaller air conditioning units.

You may even increase the life of your roof. By lowering the roof temperature, roofing products may last longer due to less thermal stress over time. Our non-penetrating design means less opportunity for leaks from your new roof.

While it makes great economic sense, a cool roof also makes an important statement about your commitment to reducing your building’s impact on the environment.  One clear environment benefit comes as cool roofs reduce the “heat island” effect in cities, lowering average outside air temperatures. Lower the outside air temperature and you need even less cooling. In fact, U.S. Energy Secretary, Steven Chu said that “whitening the world’s roofs and roads would have the same effect on global warming as removing all the world’s cars for 11 years.”

Find Photos and Additional Information on Cool Roofing Systems at: Scott's Contracting Web Site


Politician Joke

Diapers and Politicians should be changed often, both for the same reason- EDs Rentals
Diapers and Politicians should be changed often, both for the same reason- EDs Rentals
Shared via Facebook


It's almost here - the DOW POWERHOUSE Solar Shingle

DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingle: Making Renewable Energy a Reality for Everyone.


Spring 2011
DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingle: Making Renewable Energy a Reality for Everyone.
The shingle that powers your home is almost here. In the meantime, we wanted to update you on some exciting news in solar technology. You're part of a growing movement that's looking to switch to clean, renewable energy. And Dow has been busy turning solar potential into solar reality. Click here to find out how solar is growing across the U.S.
A Few Facts on the DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingle System:
  • It works like a residential shingle – in both its installation technique and in the roofing protection it provides.
  • It generates solar electricity by integrating solar cells into the design. In other words, the shingle is the solar panel, and the solar panel is the shingle.
  • It's going to be on rooftops before the end of 2011 in select U.S. markets. We will keep you posted on its availability.
Solar Power Is More Affordable Than Ever
In addition to being easy to install, the DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingles are more affordable than you think. Everyone in the U.S. qualifies for a 30% federal tax credit. These credits are still available, plus there may be state and local incentives in your area to make your initial costs even lower. Not to mention what you will save on your electric bills once your house is making its own energy.
For more information on how your state is working with solar power, check out this article in Fortune magazine: "The Most Powerful States for Solar."
Vote Solar Putting Solar on the Agenda
The Vote Solar Initiative is a political action group committed to driving renewable energy initiatives at the state and local level. Dow recently sponsored their yearly Equinox conference and fundraiser, helping them to raise solar awareness in communities across the U.S. Click here to visit their site and see how you can participate in your community.

Dow Is Bringing Solar to the People
Dow Solar is leading the way into solar energy for everyone. We're working with builders, roofers, legislators and solar advocates, plus we're participating in events that promote cutting-edge solar technology. Here are some of the events we're involved with or sponsored:
Affordable Residential Solar Power Is Hot at the International Builders Show
DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingles brought home the "Best of Show 2011." Dow was honored for overcoming the technical challenges of seamlessly integrating photovoltaic cells into a shingle that blends into the rest of the roof. For the first time, solar roofing can be functional and beautiful, too. Since our solar shingle can make residential solar power an affordable and clean energy reality, it's no wonder why AvidBuilder called it one of the top 10 products of IBS 2011. You can watch the video here.
Dow Helps to Expand Solar in Colorado with CoSEIA
CoSEIA is the Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association, and Dow was the lead sponsor for their annual conference. Over 450 solar industry leaders came to the conference – from as far away as China – to discuss the future of solar. CoSEIA works to advance solar policy, remove market barriers and improve education and outreach. Click here to visit CoSEIA and see what they are doing to bring solar power to the people.
Sharing Our Innovations with Other Revolutionary Thinkers at TED
Dow was proud to sponsor and be one of the six companies invited to participate on a panel discussion at the TED Innovation Lab. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a nonprofit group dedicated to bringing thought leaders in related fields together to make Ideas Worth Spreading. Dow's Global Director of Research and Development, Dave Parrillo, attended the panel moderated by Thomas Goetz, Executive Editor of WIRED magazine. The subject was how innovation is sparked and nurtured. Click here to learn more about TED.
Let Us Know.

Click the survey image below to take the poll.

Wrap Up
You're part of a growing community that wants to make solar energy a reality. And the best way to make that happen is to share. Send your friends, customers and fellow solar enthusiasts here to receive our e-communications. And as we get ready to bring the POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingles to market later this year, staying on our email list will ensure you will be among the first to get updates on where, when, how and how much. Stay tuned!
®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow
Dow Solar – 1605 Joseph Drive – 200 Larkin – Midland, MI – 48674


Scott's Contracting

Green Me UP-Scotty


The liberals' plan: Gut defense and tax, tax, tax | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

The pundits are fond of saying that Republicans are deeply divided over cutting federal spending. House Speaker John Boehner, the story goes, is barely able to ride herd on rowdy Tea Party freshmen, who want deeper cuts than House GOP leaders.

There's been less discussion of the deep divisions on the Democratic side. How deep are those divisions? As President Obama prepares to reveal his budget priorities Wednesday, just take a look at a new document called the "People's Budget."

It's the product of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group of the most liberal Democrats in the House. It's not a small outfit; the caucus has 76 members, about 40 percent of the 192 Democrats in the House. Many are quite prominent and some were until recently in charge of the most powerful House committees: Reps. Barney Frank, John Conyers, George Miller, Charles Rangel, Rosa DeLauro, Jerrold Nadler, Louise Slaughter and others.

In other words, the Progressive Caucus -- about three times bigger than the moderate Blue Dog Coalition -- is no fringe organization.

The "People's Budget" is the liberals' answer to House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan's 2012 budget proposal, which is "leading us down a road to ruin," according to caucus co-chairmen Reps. Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison. The "People's Budget," Grijalva and Ellison claim, would eliminate the deficit in just 10 years (Ryan's plan would take more than 25 years) while expanding, not cutting, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. "This budget saves the American people from the recklessness of the Republican majority," Grijalva and Ellison write in a letter to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, senior Democrat on the House Budget Committee.

How can such fiscal miracles be accomplished? By tax increases that would make even some top Democrats gasp. Perhaps the most extraordinary is the caucus plan to raise the Social Security tax to cover nearly all of a taxpayer's income. Right now, the tax is imposed on the first $106,000 of earnings. For people who make more than that, the caucus would tax a full 90 percent of income -- no matter how high it goes. The caucus would raise the Social Security tax that employers pay as well.

The caucus would create three new individual tax brackets for the highest incomes, topping out at 47 percent. It would also raise the capital gains tax, the estate tax and corporate taxes. It would create something called a "financial crisis responsibility fee" and a "financial speculation tax." And of course it would repeal the Bush tax cuts.

As if anyone needed reminding, the "People's Budget" is proof that the liberal idea of budget balancing is tax, tax, tax. If you're looking for spending cuts, you'll find just one really big one: national defense. The liberals would end "overseas contingency operations" -- the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- starting in 2013. They would save more money by "reducing strategic capabilities, conventional forces, procurement, and research & development programs." In other words, they would gut the United States' ability to defend itself, today and long into the future.

What would the liberals spend money on? The "People's Budget" is essentially a newer and bigger stimulus bill. Grijalva and Ellison pledge to "invest $1.45 trillion in job creation, early childhood, K-12 and special education, quality child care, energy and broadband infrastructure, housing, and research and development," along with billions more for stimuluslike road and other transportation programs.

Overall, the plan shows the gaping divide between the Progressive Caucus and the Obama White House. Back in his Chicago days, Barack Obama might easily have signed on to something like this. Now, as a president desperate for the support of independent voters in 2012, he can't.

Instead, the president will deliver his spending priorities this week in terms of deficit reduction, because that is what independents want to hear. But by doing so, Obama risks further irritating an already-anxious Democratic base.

Some strategists will argue that the "People's Budget" is good for Obama because it lets him position himself responsibly between what he will call the excesses of Ryan and the Progressive Caucus. But caucus members make up a big portion of the president's support on Capitol Hill. Obama needs their constituents -- the caucus represents more than 50 million people -- not just to be on board but to be enthusiastic in 2012. The "People's Budget" just makes Obama's job tougher.

Byron York, The Examiner's chief political correspondent, can be contacted at byork@washingtonexaminer.com. His column appears on Tuesday and Friday, and his stories and blogposts appear on ExaminerPolitics.com.

The liberals' plan: Gut defense and tax, tax, tax | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Join Me to Protest Ameren UE's Nuclear Reactor Agenda

Ameren Shareholders Meeting
Thursday, April 21 · 7:30am - 9:30am

Powell Symphony Hall, 718 N Grand Blvd, Saint Louis, MO
Ameren Missouri is holding their annual Meeting of Shareholders to vote on several issues pertaining to their governing laws.
The anti-CWIP law states that investor-owned utilities, like Ameren, are not allowed to collect money from ratepayers for costs associated with new power plants until they are producing electricity. 
This law saved Ameren ratepayers $400 million after the completion of the 1st nuclear reactor in Callaway County. Ameren wants to repeal part of this law. Know the talking points and make a difference.
Find Additional Information on Ameren UE and Nuclear Energy

Ameren UE's Greed Missouri Nuclear Agenda

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