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Insulation, Energy Audit, and Weatherization Services for St Louis

If you are interested in Saving Money on your up-coming winter time heating costs Scotts Contracting offers: Weatherization, Insulation, and Building Maintenance Services that will save you money on your Heating Bills.

Offer is available for Residential and Commercial Buildings in the Greater St Louis Area

Scotts Contracting supplies:

Cost Effective Solutions that will save you $ Money $ on your Heating Bills.  My motto: Affordable, Experienced, and Punctual.

General Rule of Thumb for Energy Efficient Up-Grades for Buildings: For Every Dollar you spend you will save between $2-$3 Dollars on your Heating Bills.

  • $3000.00 Dollar Attic Retrofits Costs for Average 1,100 Sq. Ft. Residential Home
  • With my Preliminary Figures using a Guesstimate ($400) on your current Energy Bill and using the Dept of Energy's Estimate of 20% Savings for attic retrofits. I've determined that by Sealing your Air Leaks and Adding Insulation to the Attic the Attic Retrofit will pay for itself in 2.6 years. [ I would wager that it will be closer to 1.75-2 years with the yearly utility rate increases by Ameren UE and Laclede Gas.]
Attic Retrofit Consists of:
  1. Adding Insulation to meet the US Dept of Energy Guidelines for the St Louis Area
  2. Sealing all the Air Leaks that are allowing the Cold Air into your Building
  3. Adding Proper Ventilation
I've published many handy how to articles on Saving Money on Energy Bills if you choose to DIY or would like to research articles on Saving $Money$ on Utility Bills click here to browse these articles on my Green Blog 

Energy Audits are also available



Low VOC Paint Project Photos

  • Another Successful Project Completed on-time and with-in budget by Scotts Contracting. 
  •  Martha Stewart Paints- "Ice Rink Blue" Low VOC, Fast Dry, 1 coat Coverage. 

 Scotty writes, "This was my first experience using Martha Stewart Paints. I felt the paint had great coverage, dried fast, and any odors were minimal." See more Paint Project Photos here

For an Firm Job Bid on your next project email Scotts Contracting for a Free Estimate


Largest US Solar Factory Being Built In Colorado

GE has announced plans to build its new solar panel factory in Aurora, Colorado. When completed, the advanced manufacturing facility will create 355 jobs in Colorado and will be larger than any existing solar panel factory in the country today. GE anticipates the new factory will first start up earlier than expected with the first panels coming off the line in2012 with commercial availability in 2013. “This is great news for Colorado and further proof that our state is emerging as a center of innovation. GE’s move to Aurora takes advantage of Colorado’s clean energy resources and a collaborative businessenvironment that is committed to helping the company succeed,” said Colorado Gov.John Hickenlooper. “We look forward to supporting GE as it fosters its technical innovation and research capabilities in Colorado.”
article continues
Largest US Solar Factory Being Built In Colorado


Tell CNN: Challenge the Candidates on Climate Change

Rick Perry claims the science isn't settled on climate change.1 Michele Bachmann calls climate science "manufactured science."2 Herman Cain doesn't believe in global warming either3 and Mitt Romney isn't sure whether or not human-caused climate change is occurring (but he opposes restrictions on carbon pollution regardless).4

And yet, the media isn't challenging the candidates on their outrageous, anti-science statements

Don't let the Republican presidential candidates off the hook. Tell CNN: Challenge the candidates on their anti-science, anti-environment views on climate change.


Republican Presidential Debate: Tues., Oct. 18th


Don't Let the Candidates Off the Hook. Tell CNN: Challenge the Candidates on Their Anti-Science Views.

Scotts, why isn't the news media holding the presidential candidates accountable on climate change?

Rick Perry claims the science isn't settled on climate change.1 Michele Bachmann calls climate science "manufactured science."2 Herman Cain doesn't believe in global warming either3 and Mitt Romney isn't sure whether or not human-caused climate change is occurring (but he opposes restrictions on carbon pollution regardless).4

And yet, the media isn't challenging the candidates on their outrageous, anti-science statements. In fact, during the CNN/Tea Party debate in September, environmental issues got more airtime during the commercial breaks – with paid advertising from Big Oil and Dirty Coal – than during the debate itself.

CNN is hosting another debate this Tuesday, October 18th, so now is the chance to make our voices heard.

The climate crisis is real and we can't afford to let the candidates off the hook. Tell CNN to challenge the Republican presidential candidates on their views about global warming.

The American people support taking action to address the climate crisis. A recent voter survey that LCV released found that 71% of Americans – including 55% of Republicans – support EPA efforts to reduce global warming pollution.5

That's not surprising when you consider that we're already feeling the impacts of climate change. For example, this year has seen record flooding in the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and wildfires raging across Texas, Arizona and throughout the West. Additionally, all 50 states set record high temperatures this past July.6

We know that we must take action to combat climate change. There is overwhelming scientific evidence showing that human activities are contributing to climate change. And yet, many of the Republican presidential candidates don't even believe in climate change.

The news media needs to challenge the candidates on their anti-science, anti-environment positions. Tell CNN to hold the Republican presidential candidates accountable at their October 18th debate.

Thank you for standing up and speaking out.


Mike Palamuso
Vice President, Communications
League of Conservation Voters

1 http://www.lcv.org/media/press-releases/LCV-FACT-CHECK-Perry-Goes-Against-97-of-Scientists-Challenges-Settled-Climate-Science.html
2 http://thinkprogress.org/green/2011/08/17/297902/michele-bachmann-man-made-climate-change-is-manufactured-science/
3 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/06/09/politics/main20070306_page2.shtml
4 http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/mitt-romney-backs-away-from-climate-change.php
5 http://www.lcv.org/media/press-releases/DEBATE-NIGHT-New-Poll-Shows-Strong-EPA-Support-FOX-News-Viewers-Split-on-EPA-Action.html
6 http://thinkprogress.org/green/2011/07/25/277576/all-states-high-temperatures-july/

1920 L Street, NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036


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