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Local StLouis Green Builder WINS Ridgid Tool

Scotts Contracting aka @StLHandyMan on #Twitter just won the 4Ah battery on the September Promotion offered by Ridgid Tools 
Scotts Contracting aka @StLHandyMan Wins September RIDGID Tool Promotion
Scotts Contracting aka @StLHandyMan Wins September RIDGID Tool Promotion

Thank You Ridgid Tools.  I will put the RIDGID 4Ah battery to work Building Green and Sustainable Projects for the Homes and Businesses for the Great People of the StLouis Region!

For those who haven't used or heard of the Great Tools Ridgid manufactures check out the following YouTube Video of the New Ridgid 2Ah and 4Ah Hyper Lithium batteries

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My Take-ACA with Doc and Nurse comments

  • When I have a health question I go to the people that work in the field for answers to my questions.  Here is the responses in re to a few of my questions I asked to a Doctor and an RN.
    Sonny Saggar quote, She's right. The ACA is as big as Roosevelt's New Deal in the 30s

    Scotts Contracting

    Good Evening Mr Sagar, The ACA has been in all the news as of late. On a personal level it seems like a good deal. My Mother, RN Doctors office manager, from a small town where I grew up says, "its a lot of paperwork and they added a staff member". She also said,"with more preventive care will help in the end". When I mentioned your place Downtown and all the healthy activities that are going on in your building. She said that. "the ACA encourages a Healthy Lifestyle and is part of the preventive actions". What are your thoughts, is this a good thing for people? Have a good evening. Scotty ps: She also commended you for your Health Conscious endeavors.
  • Sonny Saggar

    Sonny Saggar

    She's right. The ACA is as big as Roosevelt's New Deal in the 30s
  • Scotts Contracting

    Scotts Contracting

    thank you for your thoughts and for re-affirming what all I've read and heard about it. I honestly can't believe the Republicans are fighting it so hard. Anyway...Have a good evening and a Great Week. Peace out.
  • Sonny Saggar

    Sonny Saggar

    If it's as bad as they claim, they should let it happen and then win the next few elections
  • Scotts Contracting

    Scotts Contracting

    I don't think (85%) they are going to shut down the Govt for any reason or delay the Oct deadline. It won't pass or be signed into effect. Its all smoke and mirrors. I've personally been enjoying they way they have been making fools of themselves and hope others are seeing it also.
  • Sonny Saggar

    Sonny Saggar

    most don't know what to think but it'll all be ok in the end
  • Scotts Contracting

    Scotts Contracting

    Agreed things usually turn out that way. My bigger concern is the Climate after reading the last news by the UN climate change folks. They painted a pretty grim future. We all may need the health care.
    can I share this conversation with others who may be interested in the ACA thingy?
  • Sonny Saggar

    Sonny Saggar

    Of course
    I do have some Republican friends who are not all bad Paul McKee for example.
  • Scotts Contracting

    Scotts Contracting

    Thank You for answering my questions about the ACA act. /// I'm an X republican voter and proud that I voted for Mr Obama in the last election. /// Mr McKee has a very grand vision that I've found leaves little room for a small company to invest in the area. Ex1: 2 of his properties are adjacent to one of my clients properties and his organization has slowed the redevelopment of their properties by not maintaining the buildings and allowing drug dealers to use them as a base of operations. Ex2:Their company also has unrealistic pricing of their properties- specifically empty lots that adjoin other good properties that keep existing property from expanding or improving on that immediate area. In some of the other areas I do approve of what I have witnessed. I do admit it is a Grand Vision for the area.
  • Sonny Saggar

    Sonny Saggar

    Unfortunately there will be some teething pain, and some people will get upset, but the grand vision is what must take precedence.
  • Scotts Contracting

    Scotts Contracting

    controlling the market is just what the ACA is attempting to get rid of-comparing one to the other. And is very similar to what they are doing in the area in re the buildings.

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StLouis Think Locally Act Globally

The Term: Think Locally - Act Globally- that was first introduced to me in Columbia MO way back in 1999 is becoming ever more needed since the last IPCC report and the suggestions to reduce this Global Warming Trend that is affecting and changing the Earth's Weather Patterns.
  • The IPCC report shows the Man Made CO2 is creating warming temperatures Worldwide.
So what does this mean for the StLouis Region and how do we as a whole: Think Locally-Act Globally?

Since the greatest contributor of the CO2 that is causing Climate Change is from Burning Coal to Produce our Electricity and from Automobile Exhaust- it just makes sense to use less.  For this green blog post I'm going to share a few suggestions in order from Least Expensive to Most Expensive tips for your home or office.
  • For those who did not know the supplier of our Electricity Ameren UE listed as Union Electric [to confuse the public- Ameren UE creates electricity from burning the Dirty Coal supplied by PeaBody Energy] has the 4th Dirtiest Coal Burning Plant in the USA.[Union Electric Co.'s Labadie plant, Missouri (18.5 million metric tons)]
The following listed web links are will direct you to other blog postings on this site. Please Feel Free to Share your tips in the comment section.

  1. Shut off unused electrical devices, lights, etc
  2. Recycle
  3. Changing Light Bulbs to less Wattage or even better LED type lamp bulbs
  4. Wash Clothes in Cold Water
  5. Heat and Cool efficiently- Change the HVAC Air Filters-Service HVAC Units
  6. Seal Air Leaks- Doors, Windows, etc
  7. Add Insulation where needed
  8. Water Heating with Solar or Point of Demand type H20 Heaters
  9. Solar Electric Systems
  10. Geo Thermal Systems both heat water and warm/cool your home by using the Earth
This is not a complete list just a few simple suggestions of the things I do and plant to add to my home.  For additional info on the subject the USA Department of Energy has even more ways to save.

Thank you for stopping by St Louis Renewable Energy. Feel free to comment in the section below or contact Scotts Contracting- St Louis Home Improvement Projects and Energy Reducing Needs Get Your Green Building Tips and Resources at St Louis Renewable Energy Green Blog


My Climate Change Experiences verified by IPCC

  I use my personal experiences and the Climate Scientists 

vouch for and uphold my observations.

I can remember when I was young growing up on the Family Cattle Ranch in North Missouri.  
The Winters were long and the Snow Drifts were Huge (way over my head creating perfect 
opportunities for Snow Forts and Tunnels in the Back Yard).  

The Bad Winter Weather I experienced growing up, started in November and Lasted 
until the month of March and into April it was 4-5 months of Brutal Winter Weather.
Winters were so cold that Farm Equipment wouldn't start even though they were plugged
into heaters all night. 

High Desert Pic-Will be Missouris Future with Climate Change

Circa year 2000- The Weather now (since the early
 to mid 80's) I do not feel we have had extended 
periods of cold temperatures in Missouri that keep 
the snow that falls during the Winter months from thawing 
out within a few days. Scotty

It also seems to me that, "the precipitation we now get
has more Ice with less Snow 

and seems to melt within weeks- nowadays it seems faster melting times than ever
before in my memory. I can actually say I haven't seen any snow last longer than a 
week per my daily observations and mental notes.

We now know Global Warming ie: Climate Change caused by "Exhaust Gases or 
GHG's Emissionsfrom using Fossil Fuels from Coal and Oil called CO2 is the major 
cause of the warmed temperatures that are causing the: Extreme Weather Patterns-
Droughts, Floods, Increased Summertime Temperatures, etc

Read the new IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published 
September 27,2013

So I asked myself- 

"Why don't the Governments and Politicians of the World 
act to reduce these GHG Emissions?" 

I can't speak for the other countries in the World, but 
I will point out some facts I have been preaching now for months.

The Rich and Powerful Fossil Fuel Industry supports Politicians both Democrat and 

Republican, which keep the Politicians in-line and in the Pockets of the Coal and Oil 
Industriesthrough Donations for Re-Elections, Pet Projects, etc. 

Read and Research for yourself at: Dirty Energy Money 

Global Warming and Climate Change is Science the GOP 

can't wish away- Politicians need to: "Step away from the 

Monetary Feed Trough filled by Big Oil and Big Coal"  

The National Academy reports concluded that 

"scientific evidence that the Earth is warming-is now overwhelming.

Party affiliation does not change that fact

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