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Blog de la Révolution Verte !: La révolution verte est en marche avec votre parta...

Our blog of the "green revolution" will bring concrete solutions to make your everyday life more green!

Integration into our everyday lives sustainable development involves learning new gestures and new, more sustainable patterns of consumption, and the judgment of consumerism and waste (human and natural resources). We consume on average 35 kg of fish per year, three times more than 60 years and 1/3 of these species is now threatened by overfishing. 

A more reasoned and greener use of the earth's resources will be inevitable (fight against the acidification of oceans and fisheries stocks will be exhausted according to experts in 2050), and many marine species are becoming rare or are threatened extinction (bluefin, dugong) or endangered and among them the most consumed marine species such as cod or sardines or anchovies (stop the skimming technique and aileronnage or end ning ). 

The "sixth continent plastic" in the ocean: the plastic e is not digestible, once it is in the intestines of marine mammals (whale, fin whale, whale, dolphin, Beluga narval),  it accumulates and obstructs the bowel. 
Plastic does not directly kill the animal, but causes malnutrition and makes him sick, making the animal suffer needlessly until his death.

The impact of global warming is visible on the flora and fauna: the proliferation of jellyfish, coral bleaching in all the seas of the world, the spread of invasive species (tiger mosquito, Asian hornet, bull frog, turtle Florida, Louisiana crayfish, catfish, Nile perch, Schools ureuil gray, processionary caterpillar, red weevil, fire ant, or seaweed:  caulerpa taxifolia ) and tropical diseases (dengue, chikungunya , malaria, ebola, zika ...).

The exploitation and consumption of rare earths, such as cerium, thulium and lutetium   (materials contained in our mobile phones and smartphones, tablets, computers ..), and pol lution electromagnetiagnetic related to the use of its aircraft are serious consequences on the state of the environment. 

C ette quote An toin e de Saint-ExupĂ©ry invites us to preserve our environment for future generations "We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children." 

Change our lifestyle to a more solidarity economy (SSE and sharing economy ,

Learn to sustainably manage natural resources (forests, seas and oceans, arable land) and putting an end to the pursuit of profit and profitability of capitalist economies. 

"The world has enough for everyone's needs but not enough for everybody's greed " Gandhi 

the day of OVERFLOW ent or e " Earth Overshoot Day" is 8 August 201 6 , the day of the year when mankind has exhausted all the natural resources available for the year, that date continues to advance,it was 19 August 2014 . 

The changing climate emphasizes the decline in resources (Taklimakan Desert rti cation, decrease of u crop yields, agricultural disasters, etc ..).  blog continues> Blog de la RĂ©volution Verte !: La rĂ©volution verte est en marche avec votre parta...: La rĂ©volution verte est en marche avec votre partage ou un j'aime, les Humains comptent sur vous c'est leur unique planète ! 

 Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Emergency Backup - OffGrid Power Supply - Battery Bank

The 1st Alternative Backup Power System That Keeps You Safe In Your Home or Business

Alternative Backup Power System  http://bit.ly/SolarGenBackup
Alternative Backup Power System That Keeps You Safe In Your Home

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


Brick Building Earthquake Warning

Update 10-15-2017 New Madrid Fault Activity

Should the people of St.Louis be concerned? 2017 Solar Eclipse follows the line of the North American Rift and since the New Madrid Fault line is located in this general area. Yes, I feel it is proactive to be aware of the situation at the minimum.

Solar Eclipse and the North American Rift will it affect the New Madrid Fault?

I hope, have prayed, and will do a little more praying in the days to come that the Madrid Fault does not move from its current location. The Brick and Masonry buildings around town that were built during the World Fair held in St.Louis years and years ago were not constructed with steel reinforcement when the brick buildings were built.

StLouis Worlds Fair Brick Building History Lesson: There were many clues for determining the age of the building. When St Louis hosted the Worlds Fair.  The city planners realized that housing was going to be needed for everyone and started building many of the brick homes that are still being utilized all over the city today....Either way when you have the type of brick as the ones in this building you have a building using bricks that were made in the Late 1800s or early 1900s. 

This means that any lateral or sideways movement could allow for the collapse of many of the brick buildings around town. The Buildings were not constructed using modern day building practices and did not have metal support or bracing in the mortar that holds the bricks in place. 

Masonry / Brick Buildings without steel reinforcement are made for compression strengthWhen steel reinforcement is added it will support lateral or sideways strength see image Masonry Constructed Safe Room Design.

Masory Construction Lateral or Sideways Support is provided by the Steel Reinforcment
Masory Lateral or Sideways Support is provided by the Steel Reinforcment
Here is what could happen to the Buildings in StLouis in an Earth Quake:
Brick Wall Collapse Images and Repair St Louis Masonry Buildings
Brick Wall Collapse Images and Repair St Louis Masonry Buildings
  1. When the ground moves the buildings will also move: up, down, sideways, back and forth. 
  2. The movement will cause the mortar or glue that holds the old bricks together to come loose. 
  3. This could cause the walls of a masonry brick building to come tumbling down as in the image above. 
  4. For your own safety: Vacate or Leave the Premise or Move away from exterior walls and vacate the top floor of the building if an Earthquake does happen in St.Louis.
St.Louis Brick Building collapse images used in infographic were copied from ONSL.org http://onsl.org/

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information is needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question, comment, contact form, or by email. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.


What are you growing in your garden this year ?

2017 Garden Plot and Flower Planting 

Its been so warm in StLouis the past few weeks I went ahead and started some garden work.  3 kinds of lettuce were started as well as a few sweet carrots.

2017 Early Spring Planting Garden Photo 3x Lettuce 1 carrot
2017 Early Spring Planting Garden Photo 3x Lettuce 1 carrot
Scotty's Tidbits on Tumblr

I don’t trust Big Business and the poison they peddle in the grocery store. Today I started some cool weather plants and sowed 3 types of Lettuce and Sweet Carrots.
I couldn’t wait any longer to get the garden started. Its too early to be truthful. I’m sure I’ll have to protect the future plants from frosts that I know are the norm in the Midwest this time of year.
I felt it mandatory to start protecting numero'uno and make sure at least my diet is clean as can be.

Big Business is poisoning the food, poisoning the water, poisoning the air....
You’ve been warned protect yourself. 

Garden seeds are cheap and working with dirt for some reason will make a body feel good!
Image result for tumblr image logo freeshare
Scotty's Tidbits on Tumblr
as posted on 

The following flower planting Facebook Photo was done in the strip next to the fence.

I've also planted flowers, trees, and grass in a few more spots around the yard.  I will be posting progress photos and additional pictures of the 2017 Gardens and Flowers in the near future.

Growing your own food is the greatest thing you can do to ensure the good health of you and your family.  It will also save you $$$.

Cheers, Scotty 3/15/17

Mar 2017 Additional Gardening Photos

 Grass Seed after plumbing dig and repair

Lilac Bush

Flowering Cherry Tree

Bumblebees Love these Blue Flowers #BeeFriendly
Bumblebees Love these Blue Flowers 

Light Mulch with Grass Seed Yard View Scotts Contracting
Grass Seed and Light Mulch Yard View

Grass Seed with Light Mulch Street View Scotts Contracting
Grass Seed Light Mulch Street View

Grass Seed Prep after Plumbing Front Yard Repair Scotts Contracting
Grass Seed Prep 

small valleys, swale, and hills as natural water diverters Design by Scotts Contracting
small valleys, swale, and hills as natural water diverters

Gentle Slope Front Yard  Aesthetics install by Scotts Contracting
Gentle Slope Front Yard  Aesthetics

Easter Sunday Surprise First Rose Flower of the Year is Shaped Like a Butterfly 

Here are additional Easter Sunday photos of the "literal babies"
Wild Flower Sprouts in Wooden Baby Bed Rocker StLouis Yard Ornament
Wild Flower Sprouts in Wooden Baby Bed Rocker StLouis Yard Ornament
1st Rose of Year shaped like a Butterfly Bloomed Easter Sunday
1st Rose of Year shaped like a Butterfly Bloomed Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Surprise Rose Bloom

Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.

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