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Energy Efficient Home Statistics for Missouri Residences

If you are considering building a 'New Energy Efficient Home' in Missouri I have some statistics-cost saving analysis that I guarantee will please your Bank Account.
A New Home Built using the International Energy Conservation Code- IECC. provides a cost effective payback on Energy Efficiency, with the average pay back time of 3 ½ years (3.5) Not bad for an initial investment of $818.72. The Missouri Pay Back-'ROI' is even faster! BCAP used a baseline for energy efficiency consisting of:
  1. Efficient Lighting and Windows,
  2. a Higher Grade of Insulation and
  3. HVAC Duct Sealing and Testing
The Missouri Statistics are:
  • $875.28 Initial Investment Returns
  • $459.00 per year with a
  • Payback under 2 years (1.91 years)
  • $459 x 20 years = $9,180.00
x 25 years = $11,475.00
x 30 years = $13,770.00
  • These Figures are based on: $267,451 for a 2,400-square foot home and a 4.14 percent mortgage interest rate
For the Future St Louis Area New Home Builders I have additional cost Saving Measures that will give you additional areas to save money without sacrificing your Comfort Levels. Email: scottscontracting@gmail.com to find out how.  With Savings like this consider adding a Renewable Energy System designed especially for your Future Property and you could possibly Eliminate ALL the Utility Bills for your Home by Generating your Own Clean Energy!

Scotts Contracting works with local building material suppliers in the St Louis Area.
Note: The Statistics used in this post were provided by: 1-http://bcap-ocean.org/incremental-cost-analysis and 2-http://www.altenergymag.com/news/2010/11/18/new-homes-can-be-energy-efficient-and-affordable-reveals-study-by-building-codes-assistance-project/18310

Scott's Contracting



Joke of the Day- Rep J Shimkus believes god will save us from Global Warming--

When I read something like this a few things jump out at me and I really wonder what and who my Neighbors to the East, in Illinois voted for?  With Leaders such as this Governing our Nation its painfully obvious why we are in the Mess we are in.  The Old Adage of the Blind leading the Blind.  I expect nothing less from the Republican Party who accepts the Largest Contributions from the Fossil Fuel Industry.

Snippets and My Commentary on the Article from>http://theenergycollective.com/nathanaelbaker/47076/god-will-not-allow-global-warming-proclaims-rep-john-shimkus-seeking-top-us-con?utm_source=tec_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter
  • John Shimkus (Republican-Illinois), who has opposed cap and trade legislation because he believes God will not allow the earth to be destroyed by global warming, is running to become the House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman.
  • "The Earth will end only when God declares it's time to be over.  Man will not destroy this Earth.  This Earth will not be destroyed by a Flood." 
  • "largest assualt on democracy and freedom in this country that I've ever experienced."
  • His position on carbon emissions includes the belief that reducing carbon dioxide will be detrimental for plant life.
While researching who his biggest Campaign Supporters are at  www.FollowTheOilMoney.org.  It shows that he has accepted $545,831 From the Fossil Fuel Companies. [ 60% from Coal and 40% from Oil ]  With a contributions such as these I can see how anyone could be swayed to Vote for the Damaging Fossil Fuels that hinder USA and keep us in the Pockets of the Oil Rich Nations.

I truly expect nothing less; but, hope for change, from our current Republican Leaders.

I urge everyone to Contact your State Leaders.  The following Link will direct you to your States elected officials. Tell my Politician

God Will Not Allow Global Warming Proclaims Rep. John Shimkus, Seeking Top U.S. Congress Energy Position
November 12, 2010 by Nathanael Baker
U.S. House Representative John Shimkus (Republican-Illinois), who has opposed cap and trade legislation because he believes God will not allow the earth to be destroyed by global warming, is running to become the House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman.

In 2009, at a congressional hearing on cap and trade legislation, Rep. Shimkus said, "The Earth will end only when God declares it's time to be over.  Man will not destroy this Earth.  This Earth will not be destroyed by a Flood."  This week in an interview with Politico, Shimkus reaffirmed these views:  when asked about climate change he stated once again that God will not allow the world to be washed away in a flood.

Watch Shimkus' statements at 2009 Congressional hearing on You Tube: Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

Shimkus has also called an energy bill incorporating cap and trade measures for carbon emissions as the "largest assualt on democracy and freedom in this country that I've ever experienced."  His position on carbon emissions includes the belief that reducing carbon dioxide will be detrimental for plant life.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee oversees legislation related to issues including the supply and delivery of energy, public health, and air quality and environmental health.  Three other Republicans -- Rep. Joe Barton (Texas), Rep. Fred Upton (Michigan), and Rep. Cliff Stearns (Florida) -- are seeking the chairmanship of this committee.  Upton is considered the favourite to win the position.
I urge everyone to Contact your State Leaders.  The following Link will direct you to your States elected officials. Tell my Politician

About the Author Nathanael Baker is the Managing Editor of EnergyBoom. He has been immersed in the areas of renewable energy and climate change for two years. Before joining EnergyBoom, Nathanael was the Director of Research for the DeSmog Blog. In this role his services included providing research to the New York Times and The Economist. A resident of Vancouver, BC, Nathanael has previously written and performed research for the British Columbia Provincial Government. Nathanael holds a B.A. in History from the University of Victoria.

Scott's Contracting

The Rising Power of Eco-Moms

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Environmental Defense Fund <takeaction@edf.org> wrote:

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Dear Scotty,

In this month's Personal Nature column, Dominique Browning takes a look at the power of Eco-Moms, from their influence over manufacturers to their legislative clout.

The Rising Power of Eco-Moms
By Dominique Browning

Yes! Prop 23 — a proposal in California, underwritten by Texas oil companies, to repeal the strongest clean energy law in the nation — was resoundingly defeated on Election Day. But apart from that victory, media pundits seem to believe that around the country, environmentalists and their concerns were soundly trounced. I think they are reading the wrong tea leaves.

The Tea Party may be full of science Luddites, but there's another important activist group in the U.S., and it is growing fast. It isn't run by anyone, and has no political candidates — yet. I'm calling it the Green Tea Party, and it is made up of millions of women I think of as Eco Moms. It is going to be - it already is - a game changer.

I count myself among these women. EcoFocus Worldwide, a marketing research consultant, estimates that "the EcoAware Moms market includes more than 50 million women, 69% of [all] moms, and has more than $1.5 trillion in buying power." Best of all, consumer power can translate to political clout.

Most of us wouldn't say we're out to save the planet. And we don't walk around numb with fear, gloomy about the future. Raising children is anxiety-provoking enough. But we want change. We want global warming addressed. We want to protect our homes from toxic chemicals. We want the government to which we pay our taxes to keep our families safe...

Please continue reading this month's column.

And while Eco Moms have huge consumer power, it is time to turn that into legislative clout.

Please pledge to Protect Your Family From Dangerous Toxic Chemicals. We will deliver your message in January when the new Congress is sworn in.

Thank you for your activism and support,
Environmental Defense Fund

P.S. As we prepare to deal with the new Congress, we're going to need all the help we can get. Please show your support for our work on toxic chemicals by making a generous donation today.

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Environmental Defense Fund
1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20009

4 Stars from Charity Navigator

Scott's Contracting

Republican climate skeptic says he wants to preserve a House committee created by Democrats on global warming

Republican wants to keep global warming committee

Nov 8, 2010 Associated Press Online


WASHINGTON, Nov. 8, 2010 (AP Online delivered by Newstex) -- A leading House Republican climate skeptic says he wants to preserve a House committee created by Democrats on global warming.

Wisconsin Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, the committee's top Republican, said in a statement Monday that Republicans can use the panel to oversee the Obama administration's actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Sensenbrenner says a cap on those emissions would cost millions of jobs. He is in line to become chairman of the committee when the GOP takes control of the House next year.

Some Republicans have already called for the abolition of the panel, formally called the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. They have argued it's a waste of money.

Newstex ID: AP-0001-50503942

Scott's Contracting

ENERGY STAR saved at least $75 for every federal dollar spent.

Letter to the editor: Set politics aside on energy

Nov 16, 2010 Politico

Kateri Callahan

As an advocate of energy efficiency, I am appalled to see two important programs that drive this resource for our economy disparaged in political wrangling over budget deficits. Let's set politics aside for a moment and get the story straight.

Federal energy efficiency programs are highly cost-effective and have a proven track-record of benefitting U.S. taxpayers and our economy. Just as important, they enhance U.S. national security and help us meet growing energy demand without further environmental degradation.

ENERGY STAR stands as an exemplar. The program has earned the right to be praised, not maligned — as it was in Grover G. Norquist and Rep. Fred Upton's Nov. 15 Opinion article "Reduce out of control spending now."

ENERGY STAR is an effective, voluntary public-private consumer information program. It helps keep money in the pockets of American consumers – an especially valuable feature as we dig out of a recession – while also reducing our country's overall energy use and CO2 emissions.

In 2009 alone, ENERGY STAR saved U.S. taxpayers an estimated $17 billion in reduced energy bills, savings of at least $75 for every federal dollar spent.

The low income weatherization program has faced a series of challenges in ramping up, but it has helped lower the energy bills and improve the comfort of hundreds of thousands of families that need it most, while reducing their need for energy assistance from the government.

The most recent review found a benefit to cost ratio of 2.5 to one.

In short, ENERGY STAR and weatherization are effective programs that help American families. These programs deserve strong congressional support and should not be sacrificed in efforts to rein in the current budget deficit.

Kateri Callahan is the president of the Alliance to Save Energy.


Scott's Contracting

you want to stop sending your money to…terrorists?

By Joseph B. White

AFP/Getty Images
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON — New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday that he's in favor of a carbon tax –- a view not shared by many political leaders of either party in Washington.

Bloomberg, speaking to a group of chief executives at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, said the U.S. needs to reduce its dependence on foreign oil if "you want to stop sending your money to…terrorists."

The answer: "We need a carbon tax," he said.

Bloomberg, an independent, criticized the now-moribund Democratic proposal to develop a nationwide "cap and trade" system for limiting U.S. carbon dioxide emissions by requiring companies to buy tradeable permits for the right to emit greenhouse gases under a steadily declining economy wide cap.

"Cap and trade is filled with so many special interests," he said.

The mayor downplayed speculation that he may consider a run for president, saying he had a great job already. He more forcefully dismissed the idea of an independent candidacy.

"The Republicans and Democrats, no matter who their candidates are, no matter who," would have the advantage, he said. An independent couldn't get a majority, Bloomberg explained, and if the electoral collage produced no winner the election would go to the House of Representatives.

"And in the next election, the Republicans would pick the president," he said.

Scott's Contracting

Lame Duck Energy Bill=Money for Special Interests

Reid's Lame Duck Energy Bill: More Money for Special Interests, Higher Costs for the Rest of Us

Posted November 16th, 2010 at 12:00pm in Energy and Environment 

It's highly unlikely that we're going to see any large energy bills like a cap and trade or renewable electricity standard passed during the lame duck session, but that isn't stopping Senator Harry Reid (D–NV) from moving forward with bad energy policy.

Undeterred by an American electorate that shouted clearly that it was done with Washington-centric, special interest politics, the majority leader filed procedural motions to vote on S. 3815, the "Promoting Natural Gas and Electric Vehicles Act of 2010." The bill is laden with handouts to promote vehicles powered by natural gas and electric. And to pay for this corporate welfare, the bill would call for an increase to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund tax from $.08 per barrel to $0.21 per barrel.

This means that everyday Americans would be paying more at the pump to subsidize industries that Washington has deemed politically correct. S. 3815 "would spend $4.5 billion over the next ten years on tax rebates for buyers of natural gas vehicles and subsidies for manufacturers of the vehicles. It also authorizes $1.5 billion over the next ten years for research and development effort related to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles."

The bill is symbolic of everything that is wrong with Washington when it comes to energy policy. The government spends money on proven technologies even though these decisions would be better left for the private sector. When the government selects political winners, it's usually a good indicator that the technology or energy source is a market loser. After all, if the venture was a profitable one, it wouldn't need privileged treatment from the government.

A study from J. D. Power and Associates says there will be very little demand for electric vehicles over the next decade, even with lucrative federal handouts. But that's not the only one. There are many studies pessimistic about the environmental and economic purposes of the electric vehicle, including ones by Deloitte Touche, Boston Consulting Group, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Professor Henry Lee of Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Energy Initiative.

Both natural gas vehicles and electric vehicles may be a part of America's vehicle fleet, but Congress should not wastefully spend money to prematurely rush them into the marketplace. The vehicles we drive today will most likely look very different from the ones we drive 20 years from now and may well run on alternative fuels as producers offer new products to meet consumers' needs. But the most productive and efficient way to achieve these changes is not through a predetermined evolution created by bureaucrats and central planners. Instead, Washington should step aside and allow the marketplace to guide innovation and technological advancement. As economist Friedrich Hayek said in The Fatal Conceit: "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."

To pay for the government's program, Reid insists on using the BP oil spill to pay for it, and—in what has become the most overused phrase in Washington—not let a crisis to go to waste.

If Congress wants to address issues surrounding the oil spill, instead of increasing taxes, it should implement actual reforms that would fix many of the problems that became apparent after the accident. For example, Congress could fix the offshore oil and gas liability cap. Instead of lifting the cap, raising it to another arbitrary number, or increasing the per-barrel tax, Congress should establish a liability and claims process that fully assigns risk of offshore oil and gas operations, allows victims to be fully compensated, and protects companies from frivolous lawsuits.

A better way to promote natural gas in the U.S. is to open off-limit areas for exploration and production and ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not create new rules and regulations to crack down on hydraulic fracturing, a process to extract natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing has been safely done for decades, and former EPA Administrator Carol Browner wrote in defense of "fracking" 15 years ago:

There is no evidence that the hydraulic fracturing at issue has resulted in any contamination or endangerment of underground sources of drinking water (USDW). … Moreover, given the horizontal and vertical distance between the drinking water well and the closest methane production wells, the possibility of contamination of endangerment of USDWs in the area is extremely remote.

What's worse, Reid's lame duck energy policy could be a preview of the smaller energy bills mentioned by President Obama after the election on which Republicans and Democrats could agree. These are not conservative policy ideas, nor are they rooted in the free market. These policies benefit a concentrated interest group and spread the costs to the American consumer or taxpayer—depending on how the government chooses to fund its projects. Unfortunately, in many instances, it's both.

I was fine with the article until it started talking about Fracking for Natural Gas.  To make my case:--The chemicals used to remove the gas from the soil/rock leeches into water supplies.

Latest Hydrofracking Blog Posts:

Nov 12, 2010 · NEW YORK, NY — Alternative energy, the profitability of natural gas, green stocks and hydrofracking will be featured on NBC Universal stations during its annual .

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