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Scotts Contracting Storm Damage Repair and Waterproofing

Storm Damage Repair- Roofing, Skylights, Waterproofing, and misc General Repairs.

See Hail Storm Photos taken by Amateur Climatologist Sharon Wendel http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2126076955683.2123535.1358693673


**Hail Storm Photos 5/25/2011

If your home or business was damaged by the Hail Storm email: scottscontracting@gmail.com for a green estimate to repair the Damage.


St Louis Ameren Coal Fired Electricity Plant Users

Energy Efficient Homes use Less Coal Fired Electricity and Reduce Carbon Emissions -if every home in America reduces their energy use by the average in this program, projected energy usage would drop by more than 26,000 GWh per year-equal to the emissions from three 500-MW coal-fired power plants. The Preceding Quote was from: Alliance to Save Energy

Energy Efficiency Makes Huge Difference

Energy efficiency and home energy management have been developing trends in the last year or two in the relationship between consumers and their utilities. Now comes word of a new study detailing how effective this relationship has the potential to be at driving down home energy costs as well as reducing carbon emissions.

The study, according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), found that energy reduction behaviors based on data generated from information-based energy efficiency programs reportedly could generate billions in savings for Americans and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 8.9 million metric tons per year on a nationwide level.

Programs from 11 utilities across the country were analyzed in the study, encompassing more than 750,000 households nationwide. It was found, on a national basis, that these information based programs had driven household savings ranging from an average of 1-3 percent per year – mostly through small behavior changes.
The data analyzed includes more than 22 million meter reads gathered over periods of a minimum of twelve months from each of the deployments. The data analyzed came from the home energy reporting program of Opower, an energy management company each of the utilities were working with.

EDF believes that, if every home in America reduces their energy use by the average in this program, projected energy usage would drop by more than 26,000 GWh per year. The previously mentioned carbon emissions savings related to this power reduction is equal to the emissions from three 500-MW coal-fired power plants.


If you are interested in ways to save $money$ on your Cooling Bills this summer Scotty suggests to weatherize your home and the $Money$ you save will come back to you by decreased Summertime Cooling Bills.  Rule of Thumb: For every $1.00 spend on weatherization, will return $2.00 in savings on your Electric Bills.  Use the email address below for additional $Money$ saving cooling tips.

*Scott's Contracting*

Green Me UP-Scotty
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If for some reason I'm not wisked away in the upcoming Rapture on May 21st 2011.  I'll be available for your Green Building Needs in St Louis.  email: scottscontracting@gmail.com about your project.

With Cooling season is approaching- Proper Insulation Levels in your Attic coupled with Ventilation will save you $ on your Summer Time Cooling Bills.

Certified Insulation Installer for: Batt Type, Spray Foam, Loose Fill-

Green and Eco Friendly options are always available.

US Department of Energy and the Green Building Initiative quote that by having:
  "Proper Attic Insulation will save 40% on 
your Summer Time Cooling Costs".
  • Example:  5 months of Cooling Bills= $750 - 40%= $450
  • Savings of $300 
  • When added to winter time savings your Insulation will pay for itself in under 2 years for a standard size home.
There are additional benefits to adding insulation to your home.  If you would like to know more feel free to email: scottscontracting@gmail.com for additional information and to schedule a Green Site Evaluation.


Big Oil's friends-Republican GOP

Yesterday, nearly all of my Republican colleagues voted against cutting our deficit by several billion dollars and in favor of protecting their Big Oil backers.

Scotts Contracting-

Yesterday, nearly all of my Republican colleagues voted against cutting our deficit by several billion dollars and in favor of protecting their Big Oil backers.

Even with a majority of senators in favor of repealing the subsidies, a GOP-led group of 48 senators stood with Big Oil and successfully blocked the bill when it came to the Senate floor for a vote.

At a time when those senators are telling the American people that it's necessary to cut benefits for seniors and the middle class, they turned their backs on an opportunity to recover billions of taxpayer dollars from five of the most profitable companies in the world -- money that could be used to reduce the deficit and protect important programs.

Despite the defeat, your help -- along with the help of 45,000 of your fellow Americans who rushed to take action during the last week -- was immensely valuable in bringing the issue to a vote. This type of bill might not have even been voted on had it not been for our strong public outcry. And we nearly won. Thank you.

This vote put Republicans on the record defending Big Oil -- and opposing hardworking Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. This fight is not over. We'll do everything we can to make sure they're held accountable.

Thank you for standing with me,

Claire McCaskill


Join Claire's Crew. Get your pin.
Paid for by McCaskill for Missouri 2012

PO Box 300077, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 | info@clairemccaskill.com

All Content Copyright 2005-2011



Share Ideas with Sen Claire McCaskill-May 25-2011

 "Kitchen Table Talk" in St. Louis at the St. Louis Public Library - Buder Branch (4401 Hampton Avenue) from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to reach out to you, to listen to your thoughts and ideas about federal policies and legislation and to take them back to the Senator.
Dear St Louis Renewable Energy Readers,
My name is Brendan Fahey and I am a staff member for U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill. On Wednesday, May 25, 2011, on behalf of the Senator, I will be hosting a "Kitchen Table Talk" in St. Louis at the St. Louis Public Library - Buder Branch (4401 Hampton Avenue) from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to reach out to you, to listen to your thoughts and ideas about federal policies and legislation and to take them back to the Senator.
These "Kitchen Table Talks" also serve, in part, to inform you of the services that are available through Senator McCaskill's regional offices. The Senator's staff throughout the state are able to assist you on a range of federal government issues. If you are currently having an issue with a federal agency, I will be happy to discuss that with you and put you in touch with the member of the Senator's staff best suited to help with your issue.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at Brendan_Fahey@mccaskill.senate.gov or by calling (314) 367-1364. I hope you will be able to join me in St. Louis on May 25th.

MO Sen Roy Blunt votes for Big Oil and Not the Taxpayers

Hold Sen. Roy Blunt accountable for the vote against ending oil subsidies.
Take action!
Clicking here will add your name to this petition to your Senator:
Take action now!
Dear Friend,
Last night, 48 Senators, including Sen. Roy Blunt, put Big Oil before the American people and helped defeat a bill that would have ended tax breaks for the five biggest oil companies.1
How could anyone vote against a bill that would have kept $21 billion of American taxpayers' money out of the pockets of cash-rich oil companies?
One big reason is oil money in our political process. A lot of it. Oil and gas companies spent $39.5 million lobbying congress in just the first quarter of this year,2 and have donated tens of millions of dollars directly to the political campaigns of current Senators, including $697,998 to Sen. Roy Blunt.3
In all, three Democrats joined all but two Senate Republicans to protect Big Oil tax breaks that even a former Shell CEO said weren't needed.4
But make no mistake. Even though we didn't get the 60 votes required for passage, our pressure to end oil subsidies is already working. More and more legislators are acting defensive about their support of Big Oil over the American people.
In February, similar legislation to repeal some oil subsidies got only 44 votes. Yesterday, we got 52 votes. That comes after CREDO Action members sent more than 225,000 petitions to the Senate and made more than 1,000 calls yesterday to 11 key Senators, six of whom flipped their position and voted to end tax breaks to Big Oil.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid said yesterday that despite this defeat, he will continue to push for ending oil subsides as part of negotiations on the budget and to raise the debt ceiling.5
We need to keep the pressure on. And one key to breaking Big Oil's grasp on our legislators is letting Congress know that we know about the millions of dollars that Big Oil has given them — including the $697,998 to Sen. Roy Blunt.
Let's make sure that voting to protect oil company profits doesn't go unanswered by those of us who actually pay the price.
Thank you for taking action.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
P.S. — Want to find out more about the Big Oil money going to our elected officials? Our friends at the Dirty Energy Money campaign have the scoop. Click here to see how much dirty energy money your Senators and other elected officials have taken.


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