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Free Webinar-Battery Impedance- Energy Storage Testing

Free Webinar Battery Impedance Testing: An Insight into a Battery's State of Health

Battery Impedance Testing: 

An Insight into a Battery's State of Health

Join Solar Power World and Megger for this free, live webinar on September 6, 2017.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to Test and Maintain your Flooded Batteries state of Capacity using Impedance, an internal Ohmic test
  • How to test and trend All connections in the system for maximum efficiency and reliability.
  • How to Observe, Act and Measure your battery string each Month, Quarter and Year to be able to take corrective actions

Your batteries are a critical part of your system, a large monetary expenditure…get the most out of them

 register here

Mike Palmer
Western Regional Sales Manager

Kelsey Misbrener
Solar Power World


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Solar Eclipse what to expect

2 DIY Eclipse Glass Instruction Videos just added see below

Q: So what can I expect to see if I’m in the zone of total eclipse?

A: It starts quietly, about 80 minutes before the total phase, with first contact: a small dent appears on the Sun’s right hand limb, growing slowly larger each minute.

Scotty's #SolarEclipse Theory:

SolarEclipse 2017 will unlock the other half of the human brain we don't consciously use.
Eclipse 2017 Unlock Human Brain Theory Scotty
SolarEclipse 2017 will unlock the other half of the human brain we don't consciously use.

Eclipse Timeline

The Moon will continue to advance steadily, reducing the disc of the sun down to a crescent. In those last few minutes before totality, events pile in on each other: an eerie twilight begins to descend, the distant landscape becomes enveloped in a strange grayish pallor; the air temperature may suddenly dip several degrees or more. As totality draws nearer and the sky grows still darker, you might even begin to feel a little nervous, for here is a situation that neither you nor any of the people who might be around you has any control over. Only now can you begin to understand why eclipses both fascinated and terrified ancient people.

If you spread out a large white sheet on the ground, you may see shadow bands rippling, flickering, and scurrying about. These stripes of light and shade are believed to be caused by the last of the sun’s rays being distorted by our turbulent atmosphere, just as a star’s light is disturbed making it appear to twinkle. As the sun narrows to a thin filament, it suddenly disintegrates into irregular dots and points of light called “Baily’s Beads,” an effect caused by the last rays of sunlight streaming through the rugged mountain valleys on the lunar limb.

Then the Moon’s dark shadow then comes rushing in. Those watching for its approach should look to the west-northwest sky, where clouds will darken dramatically as if some great storm were brewing. At totality’s onset, the shadow suddenly engulfs you with the darkness of a sky similar to about a half hour after sunset. You’ll likely be hearing oohs and ahhs, gasps, shouts and screams from people all around you (you may even be shouting too!) as the Moon completely covers the Sun.

The Sun appears as a jet-black disc rimmed for several seconds by the vivid pastel-pink extension of the Sun’s atmospheric envelope: the chromosphere. If you use binoculars, you may see in several places around the black disc, tiny flames of pink or magenta. Called prominences, these are hot clouds of hydrogen gas pushing up from the sun’s surface for tens or even hundreds of thousands of miles into space.

The most spectacular view, however, is the pearly-white corona, which haloes the dark disc of the Sun and extends out into space for millions of miles. It can only be seen during totality and differs in size, tints, and patterns from one eclipse to another. Streaming outward, ragged at the edge, streaks running through it; sometimes it has a soft continuous look and at other times long rays may be seen shooting out in three or four directions.

Total Solar Eclipse. Photo courtesy of NASA https://cdn.farmersalmanac.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/totaleclipseNASA.jpg

Once you are able to tear yourself away from the Sun, other celestial objects can be sighted. The most obvious will be the brilliant planet Venus shining like a dazzling white jewel and which will be positioned well to the right of the Sun. And at an even greater distance to the Sun’s left, though not shining quite as bright, will be Jupiter. A few stars may be visible here and there, and if you have binoculars, you might notice a bluish one that will be plainly visible just to the left of the darkened Sun. That will be Regulus, in the constellation Leo and one of the 21 brightest stars in the sky. The combination of darkness and starlight at midday always helps to create a lasting memory of a total eclipse.

As for the overall sky illumination, it will be unlike any dusk or dawn you’ve ever experienced. A weird saffron tint will form a bright border around the horizon, while clouds in the area may take on striking hues of sienna or salmon.
Just before the end of totality, the chromosphere will again reappear, followed suddenly by a brilliant solitaire of steely-white light set upon a thin, luminous ring – the inner corona. The streamers vanish; the gem grows; the stars and planets fade away; the sky fills with light as the great “diamond ring” in the sky soon becomes too dazzling to look at.

All the phenomena seen prior to totality now reappear in reverse order as the Moon moves off the Sun’s disc. But . . . be careful! Whenever an eclipse of the Sun is due to occur there are usually dire warnings broadcast over the airwaves and in newspapers telling people that there is no safe way to view an eclipse and the best thing to do is watch it on television. Television, however, is a poor substitute for the real thing and should you choose to ignore the eclipse entirely, you’ll only be cheating yourself out of seeing the grandest celestial spectacle visible from Earth.

This is not to say, however, that you should not take precautions. Staring at the Sun with unprotected eyes or inadequate filters during the partial stages can cause severe retinal damage or blindness. See recommended procedures for safely viewing the eclipse.

Solar Eclipse Podcasts Great American Rift :

Update 8/12/17 Watchout for the Lizard Men 


 "Regarding possible paranormal activity potentially occurring during the #SolarEclipse2017. As always, if you see something, say something," SCEMD. 

South Carolina does have a history with lizard men—graphed eight lizard-man sightings, suggested the department was somewhat serious with its post. It read: "This historical map is in response to recent media reports about possible paranormal activity associated with the upcoming total eclipse". SCEMD does not know if Lizardmen become more active during a solar eclipse, but we advise that residents of Lee and Sumter counties should remain ever vigilant."

10 Very Strange Facts About the August 21 Solar Eclipse.


Blog de la Révolution Verte !: La révolution verte est en marche avec votre parta...

Our blog of the "green revolution" will bring concrete solutions to make your everyday life more green!

Integration into our everyday lives sustainable development involves learning new gestures and new, more sustainable patterns of consumption, and the judgment of consumerism and waste (human and natural resources). We consume on average 35 kg of fish per year, three times more than 60 years and 1/3 of these species is now threatened by overfishing. 

A more reasoned and greener use of the earth's resources will be inevitable (fight against the acidification of oceans and fisheries stocks will be exhausted according to experts in 2050), and many marine species are becoming rare or are threatened extinction (bluefin, dugong) or endangered and among them the most consumed marine species such as cod or sardines or anchovies (stop the skimming technique and aileronnage or end ning ). 

The "sixth continent plastic" in the ocean: the plastic e is not digestible, once it is in the intestines of marine mammals (whale, fin whale, whale, dolphin, Beluga narval),  it accumulates and obstructs the bowel. 
Plastic does not directly kill the animal, but causes malnutrition and makes him sick, making the animal suffer needlessly until his death.

The impact of global warming is visible on the flora and fauna: the proliferation of jellyfish, coral bleaching in all the seas of the world, the spread of invasive species (tiger mosquito, Asian hornet, bull frog, turtle Florida, Louisiana crayfish, catfish, Nile perch, Schools ureuil gray, processionary caterpillar, red weevil, fire ant, or seaweed:  caulerpa taxifolia ) and tropical diseases (dengue, chikungunya , malaria, ebola, zika ...).

The exploitation and consumption of rare earths, such as cerium, thulium and lutetium   (materials contained in our mobile phones and smartphones, tablets, computers ..), and pol lution electromagnetiagnetic related to the use of its aircraft are serious consequences on the state of the environment. 

C ette quote An toin e de Saint-Exupéry invites us to preserve our environment for future generations "We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children." 

Change our lifestyle to a more solidarity economy (SSE and sharing economy ,

Learn to sustainably manage natural resources (forests, seas and oceans, arable land) and putting an end to the pursuit of profit and profitability of capitalist economies. 

"The world has enough for everyone's needs but not enough for everybody's greed " Gandhi 

the day of OVERFLOW ent or e " Earth Overshoot Day" is 8 August 201 6 , the day of the year when mankind has exhausted all the natural resources available for the year, that date continues to advance,it was 19 August 2014 . 

The changing climate emphasizes the decline in resources (Taklimakan Desert rti cation, decrease of u crop yields, agricultural disasters, etc ..).  blog continues> Blog de la Révolution Verte !: La révolution verte est en marche avec votre parta...: La révolution verte est en marche avec votre partage ou un j'aime, les Humains comptent sur vous c'est leur unique planète ! 

 Thank You for stopping by the Green Blog. If additional information in needed or you have a question let me know by posting a question or comment. Together we can make a difference and create a future that will benefit everyone.

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